Fix Was In On So Called Independent Benghazi Panel

To find out more about Thomas Pickering, the chairman of the “independent panel” investigating the October deaths of our Ambassador and three others in Benghazi read here and here.

Nevertheless, every story on the now completed “investigation” of the Libya disaster I’ve read, regardless of the news service, begins with “according to an independent panel…”

In some accounts a reader learns in the next few paragraphs that this
“independent” panel was “appointed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton”.

In other accounts, that little tidbit is omitted…maybe because the “news”
reporter assumed readers would know that the Obama administration, when a
potential scandal erupts, always appoints an “independent” panel to investigate.
And while the administration is effectively “investigating” itself, any other
would be objective and meaningful investigations are closed off: “Butt out
Congress! We got this covered and we’ll let you know what we find.”

And, despite a report which castigated the State Department for numerous and
various failures of  judgement and all around lack of competence, not
surprisingly the “Independent”  study recommended that no disciplinary action
should be taken against any State Department official.

Apparently this was all just a misunderstanding…don’tcha know. So let’s move
on, there’s nothing more to see here.

And we ask for your prayers for Secretary Clinton as she recovers from a
concussion, so severe, it has sadly erased entirely her memory of any events
beginning the past September 11 through this Thursday. All questions should be
referred to her personal valet, Uma Weiner.    DLH

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One Response to Fix Was In On So Called Independent Benghazi Panel

  1. Roy Munson says:

    No mention of “the video” in the report. The video that caused it all, the main reason of the attack we were told for 2 weeks. NO MENTION OF THE VIDEO!

    Can the gutless Republicans AGAIN demand a special counsel here? Or is this thing pretty much over?

    Not like they made it happen the first time, but come on. This is total bs.

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