We have not paid any attention to the QC Times this week so excuse us if we missed something important. No seriously, stop laughing. Ahem, OK now, . . . seriously we may have missed an article dealing with Davenport Mayor Bill Gluba issuing a letter of support for the Communist Chinese government’s call for Americans to be disarmed. The call from them came in the wake of the recent mass murder at a Connecticut elementary school.
Given the good mayor’s own proclivities toward more and bigger government and obsequious demeanor toward a leader of a brutal total control communist regime, not to mention his support of the somewhat softer despotism of the Obama regime, and of course his support for more gun control, we would expect something if it has not already appeared. So let us know, we’re just ask’n.
More appropriately, more insightfully regarding the gun violence issue: A Child Shall Lead Them. R Mall
But Xi Jinping lived in Muscatine for a summer during an exchange 40 years ago and is a great guy! I loved all the coverage over that trip by the Times. Going back and reading it all over again now is even more hilarious than the first time. Zero hard questions or of substance asked and 100% reporting on him gushing over how friendly he thought people in Iowa were and how awesome it is here.
Better question yet, why is an idiot like Gluba running unopposed in elections? I mean really….I know he and his goon squad got a good little machine going, but come on. In 2 years somebody who is a Davenport resident and who isn’t afraid to lose and is either a Republican, Conservative, Independent or Libertarian needs to challenge this guy. I don’t care who just SOMEBODY.