The Bishops may not have pulled the voting lever for Obama, but did they help lay the groundwork “justifying” inordinate power?
In reflecting on the various accounts, from the left and the right, it seems obvious to me that Obama’s most effective weapon in his transformation of America into the world’s largest banana republic is the ease with which liberals are manipulated.
In recent conversations with liberal acquaintances it is very apparent that a common characteristic is their determination to not allow any challenge to their delusions. Confident in their own “goodness”, they refuse to acknowledge any of the glaring and dangerous shortcomings of Mr. Obama.
One example is the Catholic community. I saw a cartoon that referred to the Pope’s recent decision to retire. An aide shows His Holiness the results of the US election and notes that “51% of US Catholics voted for the most anti-Catholic president ever.” To which the Pope replies, “I quit.”
It might be recalled that American Bishops, outraged that ObamaCare would require Catholic institutions to cover contraception in their health insurance were among the earliest and most ardent supporters of O’Care up until then.
Many Catholics are enamored with the “social justice” concept without having any idea where the Catholic Left seeks to take that movement…can you say, “socialism/communism”?
Meanwhile I see that our aspiring tinhorn dictator will be off for another taxpayer-funded getaway this weekend. Gonna jet down to West Palm Beach for a little R&R and to rub elbows with that community’s billionaire denizens. “Useful Idiots” DLH
Interesting. I have had the same interactions with Liberals. It’s almost 2008esque all over again to a degree for a few of the usual suspects. Most others I have talked to state their opinion and kinda look at me out of the corner of their eye while talking knowing that I am thinking “you really believe this?” Which leads me to believe obviously they don’t even believe it or are such low information voters that they never knew the real facts. Usually the latter.
It is funny though breaking down some of the Obummer policies with them. “Do you like the NDAA that says Americans can be locked away without trial for no reason?” Always a no. “Do approve of the 95% uptick in drone strikes in the last 5 years killing thousands of woman and children every year abroad and now possibly targeting Americans?” Always a no. “Do you support paying billions in taxes to Big Green corrupt companies that fail why you pay $3.60 for a gallon of gas?” Always a no. And this goes on and on until I tell them they voted for the guy who made all this happen. Usually disbelief sets in around at this time.
And wow I didn’t know that 51% of Catholics voted for him. I guess those are the “Biden/Pelosi Catholics” destined to control the future of the church. Just terrible.