Rand Paul Defended The Constitution…Where Were Senators Bluster and Blather?

That would be Senator McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham.

They each make grandstand plays, issue strongly worded statements aimed at bolstering their “conservative” credentials…then, quietly cave just to demonstrate their willingness to be “reasonable” and to “reach across the aisle”.

Recall that Sen. McCain deplored the fact that Chuck Hagel was “unqualified’ for the job of Defense Secretary. He quickly declared to all ,however, that he would not support a filibuster to prevent this incompetent from being confirmed. Then, of course, knowing his moderate credentials were secure with the NY Times and knowing his vote would be meaningless, he voted against Hagel’s confirmation. And finally, just to assure us that he is solidly on both sides of every issue, he magnanimously conceded that the President, apparently no matter how incompetent or destructive a nominee might be, has the right to his ‘choices”. Look out folks! When Dennis Rodman’s name comes up as Special Envoy to North Korea, we can count solidly on the Senator’s expressions of extreme dismay.

Then we come to Senator Graham. Lindsey was very adamant that he would block the confirmation of John Brennan until he got answers to his questions regarding Benghazi. Well, maybe not so much.No answers have been forthcoming. While Senator Paul at least temporarily blocked Brennan’s confirmation, standing strong on principles he believes in, Senator Graham …what is he doing exactly?

Maybe conservatives should be concerned that “B & B’ is the Karl Rove ticket in 2016.  DLH

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4 Responses to Rand Paul Defended The Constitution…Where Were Senators Bluster and Blather?

  1. Roy Munson says:

    McLame and Grahamnasty are just doing what they normally do today, defend the old guard of the Republican Party that is so repulsive to millions of Americans by slapping down the new guard who has the support of millions of Americans. Can’t let young guys like Rand, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz actually gain support for the party by defending liberty and the constitution!

    #StandWithRand was the number one trend on Twitter in the world for over 24 hours and polls show he has over 80% support on this issue. Yet McLame and Grahamnasty are standing on the Senate floor insulting him today. McLame actually said this stunt by Rand isn’t helpful to America! WTF

  2. Roy Munson says:

    McLame and Grahamnasty are just doing what they normally do today, defend the old guard of the Republican Party that is so repulsive to millions of Americans by slapping down the new guard who has the support of millions of Americans. Can’t let young guys like Rand, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz actually gain support for the party by defending liberty and the constitution!

    #StandWithRand was the number one trend on Twitter in the world for over 24 hours and polls show he has over 80% support on this issue. Yet McLame and Grahamnasty are standing on the Senate floor insulting him today. McLame actually said this stunt by Rand isn’t helpful to America! WTF

  3. Gus says:

    Governor Jindal, do you have any opinion on which Senators are most representative of the “stupid party”, as you characterized the GOP? Here’s my two nominees.

  4. Roy Munson says:

    well, how is the repub party doing these days? maybe not so good. why is that u say?? maybe because we have all these elitist, country club, Rhino type republicans trying to DICTATE what we all should be doing, thinking, etc.. THEY are sooooo wrong!!!! These are the elitist idiots that got their butts beat by the worst, most corrupt, do nothing, community antagonizer/organizer president!! And, how did these elitist types win in 2010?? Gee, let me think…..OH, the TEA PARTY….dare I say it…because these people disrespected and did not allow the tea party! And, their elitist buddies did not allow any conservaties, tea party, libertarian, or Sara Palin into their BOGUS convention. Hello Mitt… How do u like yourself Now Dude?? U drank the Kool aid and believed and followed these fools over the edge and got creameed!!!!! Listen up all people…..No one has the right to exclude anyone from participating in the process. Its that simple. Let all people in. The Tea Party carried repub party and they crapped on them! Here it is…. Libertarians, Tea Party People and Conservatives ARISE…The time is now to take the future for our country, our children and ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God BLESS Everyone…..

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