OMG! Has Peggy Actually Fallen Out of Love With Barry?

broken_heartIn the most critical assessment of Obama she has made since his election in ’08, Peggy Noonan’s Wall Street Journal column this week indicates that she has fallen out of love for the man and his ways.

The column, “The Anti-Confidence Man”, to me, is refreshing in that it presents one of the clearest cases against our would-be dictator.

Noonan believes that the president is “stuck in his games and history.”  She says he should have seen the unemployment entering a crisis stage four years ago and “he did not”. Instead of initiatives like public-works projects which could give training to the young and jobs to the experienced underemployed, Obama “gave his first term to health care. And now Obamacare is being cited as a reason employers are laying people off and not hiring according to a report from the Federal Reserve”.

She cites a column by Mort Zuckerman, explaining that “the unemployment picture is worse than people understand” While most of Mr. Obama’s still admiring media is celebrating a drop in unemployment to a mere 7.7%, with employers “hiring briskly to bolster the recovery,”  Zuckerman notes that “the labor participation rate…has dropped to the lowest point since 1984″.Noonan quotes Zuckerman,”It is harder to find
work today than it has been in any previous recession.”

One compelling, and very sobering, point Noonan makes is one that we’ve held
since the Sequestration frenzy ramped up. That involves the fact that there has been a lot of crowing among conservative news media and pundits over Obama’s scare tactics…his “overreach”, blah, blah.

As Ms. Noonan points out, however, all those dire events the President and his toadies (like Ray LaHood, for example) “predicted” incessantly  have not happened…yet.
But Obama can, and she suggests, will, make it happen.

As she graphically notes, he can decide on a steady drip of catastrophe  . . . “food inspectors furloughed on the 15th,long lines at the airport on the 18th, sobbing children on the 20th .  . .”

And our view: watch what the media does with that! Watch the QC Times covering the ongoing tragedies with interviews with the “sobbing children”, Arsenal employees fearing cutbacks, police and firefighters warning of the devastating effects on public safety the “drastic forced cuts” in federal spending, solely because of “destructive partisan political stubborness”. And a Times editorial is likely to tell us, “he warned us but those ‘Tea Party Republicans’ were more interested in trying to assure Mr. Obama’s failure in a second term.”

Hang on…it’s coming.                DLH

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4 Responses to OMG! Has Peggy Actually Fallen Out of Love With Barry?

  1. Roy Munson says:

    I don’t mean to hi-jack the thread, but Peggy had her falling out with Barry 3 months ago, which was reported on this very site! So this was her 2nd most critical assessment of Obama since 2008.

    • Designated2 says:

      Dear alert reader: We are old. We repeat ourselves . . . we might have referred back to the earlier article in order to add emphasis.

    • Designated2 says:

      And besides we ment ACTUALLY REALLY REALLY TRULY fallen out of love. The lovelorn can be merely finicky.

  2. DLH says:

    Roy, your attentiveness to Veritas and occasional admonitions are very much appreciated. Indeed, the column three months ago did indicate that perhaps there was trouble in Paradise. This latest column, however, it seemed to us was an even more critical assessment of Our Dear Leader. One highly critical column is a lover’s spat. A second, in our judgement indicates Splitsville.

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