For Whom The Bell Tolls?

toothlessstatedept2webcr_1_28_13Another incisive analysis by Victor Davis Hanson – Who Will Bell America?  is a bleak, but accurate assessment. Unfortunately much of it will go way over the head of low/no info voters who simply are not aware of much that Hanson can only briefly allude to (i.e. in one paragraph Hanson packs reference to numerous actions, missteps, debacles, etc by Obama over the last four years that would take dozens of columns to sufficiently inform the “low/no” of their context:

“We belatedly embraced the Arab Spring just as it was turning towinter. Mohamed Morsi understands that he can be both a recipient of American aid and a critic of America, and he believes that while U.S.-Israeli ties are ostensibly not changed, deep down Obama might like them to be. The more radical Egypt becomes, the more President Morsi is certain that Obama agrees that it is more authentically Egyptian. Morsi, like others in the Middle East, understands that “lead from behind,” Benghazi, serial deadlines for Iran, and lectures about  intervening and not intervening in Syria all add up to speaking loudly and carrying a tiny stick — or simply to incoherence. Warning America is the new world pastime: North Korea warns that it might nuke the West Coast; Hamas warns the president not to visit the Temple Mount; China warns us to keep out of its dispute with Japan.”

Veritas readers will understand all of Hanson’s analyses but we should not expect to be comforted by it. There is no indication that current GOP “leadership” either understands or intends to do anything about it, however limited their options are.  DLH

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One Response to For Whom The Bell Tolls?

  1. Roy Munson says:

    The picture just cracks me up. I have nothing to add. So funny.

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