Political Correctness and The Liberal Juvenile Mindset

Must Read  — The Crank Says So

This is a powerful column in American Thinker.  The author, Doug Mainwaring, a gay conservative, talks about the progressive movement’s growing success in intimidating anyone who disagrees with its objectives.  Baby boomer and Twilight Zone aficionados will especially appreciate the analogy he sets up early on. Read the entirely worthy article here.

Political correctness seeks to silence all opposition to the advancement of progressive ideology. Those who manipulate the power of political correctness appear on the surface to be the good-hearted, the vulnerable, and the victimized. Whether as individuals, as organizations, or as cultural groups, they present a picture of innocence and goodness, of unparalleled magnanimity and empathy. Yet  . . . their appearance is deceiving. They demand total fealty. And if you don’t think the “happy thoughts” they want you to, their outward appearance gives way to vindictiveness and  . . .  swift, disproportionate punishments  . . .

They want to be constantly affirmed, never challenged, never questioned, never judged. If they sense you don’t agree with them, you are immediately judged to be a “bad person, with bad thoughts.” They intimidate you into silence, until outwardly you only express happy thoughts, i.e., expressions of vigorous agreement with and the moral goodness of their will. For individuals and organizations who do not bend to their will,  . . .  they wish their detractors out to the cornfield. Their version of the cornfield is the constant threat of social isolation, of being unloved and disrespected.

I am reminded of Chick-fil-A. How tens and maybe hundreds of thousands rallied to the company’s support when it was attacked for its founder’s beliefs re: gay marriage. After the furor receded, those paying attention learned that Chick-fil-A had caved and pledged they would no longer give to conservative causes. The Gay movement was pleased and
granted the company its blessings.

This column notes what is happening to Ben Carson, to Second Amendment defenders, to the Boy Scouts, etc, etc. Then there’s companies who financially supported ALEC…is that even still around? As our piece on Ruth Marcus underscored, any GOP candidate with promise will get the Sarah Palin treatment, in the extreme.

We will be watching in despair how the same thing plays out with “immigration reform”. (And whatever happened to Rubio’s staunch positions? We’ll see). We can look at our tea party backed governors and their capitulation on Obamacare Medicaid. And, here comes Agenda 21 and Common Core. Whatever happened to Toomey and Manchin? Watch the
essence of O’s budget win approval from wobbly Republicans!

Of course, the progressive forces could not be successful without the press. Does anything more need to be said?              DLH

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2 Responses to Political Correctness and The Liberal Juvenile Mindset

  1. Roy Munson says:

    For a closer look at this topic I highly recommend my Veritas brethren get and read Greg Gutfeld’s book-“The Joy of Hate: How to Triumph over Whiners in the Age of Phony Outrage”


  2. Roy Munson says:

    You guys wanna see how far politcal correctness has gone? The UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) has suspended Matt Mitrione for talking bad about transgender fighter Fallon Fox (who doesn’t even fight in the UFC btw) in a podcast interview!

    Here are a couple articles on it, the last has several comments from an MMA webite in which the comments are obviously asking….WTF is going on with the UFC!?!?!



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