Welcome to Scandals-R-Us! — Talking Points Secretariat

Some Monday morning ramblings from our illustrious Senior Editor:

One of Veritas’s readers posted a suggestion that the IRS corruption story hitting just as the Benghazi story appeared to be approaching critical mass was probably no coincidence.

Welcome to Scandals-R-Us!

the-truth-nothing-but-the-obamatruth-obama-jaycarney-claire-politics-1331901055This is the administration in which the largest and most important Cabinet post is the Talking Points Secretariat. Its guiding principles are simple: “Any scandal lasting more than three news cycles is automatically replaced by a new scandal. Appropriate denials are issued, talking points are prepared and distributed to Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, and the other Democrat Party adjuncts in the media in their order of loyalty to Obama and their overall gullibility.”

Full impact of any scandal is often diluted by typically stupid statements by Joe Biden, routine lies by Jay Carney, and judiciously leaked revelations about the latest excesses by the White House Royalty and Queen Michele’s latest fashion statement, all intended to distract.

There are variations and added wrinkles to the administration’s scandal suppression strategy (ie. the “Blame FoxNews” ploy, always effective; the” intimidate MSM reporters who may have the temerity to attempt real journalism tactic” ala Sheryl Atkisson of CBS, etc), but the basic framework has been tested and has yet to fail. Like whatever happened to the recently departed EPA director, Lisa Jackson and her illegal use of private emails? Whatever happened to the never developed story of Obama’s confiscation of Chrysler bondholders’ investment to give to the unions? Anybody remember that AG Eric Holder has been cited for contempt of Congress? (His reply most likely? “Of course I have contempt for Congress, so…?”), Kathleen Sebelius has been up to all sorts of illegal activities to try to save Obamadontcare, not to mention Solyndra, “Fast…”, and so on and so on.

Ah, but on to the lighter side of the news:

You hear about “Bitcoins”? They are the latest Hot Thing, “virtual” currency (No, not “Bernanke Coins”, “In Ben W Trust”). They (Bit coins) are not real, they have no actual value, but as long as people act like they’re real, traders in Bitcoins can achieve “virtual” wealth.

Frankly, I don’t understand all the fuss and buzz about “virtual” currency. We’ve had a “virtual President” going on five years now. Like Bit coins, he has no value, he isn’t real, but Low Information Voters, rent seekers, and cronies act like he is and, thus, many Americans think that one day, they’re going to be “virtually rich”.

Some folks are becoming skeptical, however. Rumor has it that some scientists are forming a “consensus” that “climate change” may not be caused by the use of fossil fuels to produce energy in this country. Instead, some are blaming climate change on the noxious gassy emissions from President Obama as he flits around the nation from one fund raiser to the next and his frequent ventures to important places around the world like Namibia to apologize for American behavior.

By the way, you may have also heard that O J Simpson is in court this week seeking a new trial. Again, rumor is, he may have a chance of being set free. I’ve heard, from reliable sources, of course, that it is not just possible but certain that OJ’s case will be thrown out, thanks to President Obama’s intervention. In addition to his belief that the cops “acted stupidly” in OJ’s case, Obama wants OJ’s help. Sources say that the president will ask OJ to join in the search for the person responsible for the attack on our consulate in Benghazi whom Obama has promised to bring to justice. It’s reported that our president believes it is the same person who OJ has been seeking to bring to justice for the murder of his estranged wife several years ago. (Jay Carney affirmed that both cases “happened a long time ago”.)

You hear what Jodi Arias had to say during her recent trial for the murder of her boy friend? “What difference does it make, at this point?” OOPS! That wasn’t Jodi Arias. My mistake!    DLH

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