Our Cup Runneth Over

A couple of items with somewhat different takes regarding the Obama administrations troubles of late.  This one from from WM (Billy Metcalf) one of our contributing editors:

The Bengahzi cover up exploding in the Obummer regime’s lap like we knew it would, the IRS targeting Tea Party and Conservative Organizations as well as television reporters and the Associated Press having it’s members tracked and recorded for several months.  As the great scholar, philosopher and role model Joe Biden once said: “this is a Big F***ing Deal!”

So let us start with the IRS Scandal first.  Right away I said this would legitimize everything people have been saying all along but were called “tin foil or paranoid” by the MSM for saying it.  Basically the Rand’s, Cruz’s, Tea Party, etc.  But sure enough, it is true!  And Democrat loyalist/hack/unfunny man Jon Stewart (who a scientific poll showed was Democrats most trusted news source) told his flock the bad new.  He says this revelation has now “shifted the burden of proof from the tin foil-behatted to the government.” He said a few more unfunny things but in his argument he concedes that Conservatives were right all along.  Basically Stewart sounded the alarm to his sheep that the days of fun are coming to an end.

Politico has a piece out tonight that kind of piggybacks on Jon Stewart’s disbelief titled “D.C. turns on Obama.”  It is a fun read for so many reasons.  The first comes in the opening paragraph stating “Establishment Democrats, never big fans of this president to begin with, are starting to speak out.” Hahaha what?!  Establishment Democrats worshiped at the alter of Obama!  He was practically a religion to these people!  How were they never fans?  This is like saying Democrats never believed in Santa!

The Politco piece also talks about how earlier in the day on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” they were practically comparing him to Nixon. The piece ends with the National Journal’s Ron Fournier quoted as saying: “One common thing with Benghazi and the IRS scandal, is we’re being misled every day. We were lied to on Benghazi, on the talking points behind Benghazi, for months. We were lied to by the IRS for months and now they’re sending a clear message to our sources: Don’t embarrass the administration or we’re coming after you.”  Now THAT is some truth right there!

In closing it appears that some in the Democrat establishment who were apparently never fans of Obama (hehe) are turning on him.  The propaganda pipeline to the young/old low information voter (Comedy Central) might be reduced to a trickle.  And it looks like we have three scandal that won’t be going away anytime soon.  Will the media scorned media stop the flow of water that they have been carrying for 5 years?  Who knows.  All I know is that the ball is now set on a tee for Conservatives to knock out of the park.    WM

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One Response to Our Cup Runneth Over

  1. Roy Munson says:

    If anybody can name one of the ”Establishment Democrats” who was never a fan of Obama like the Politco article claims I will paypal you $100.

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