There’s something happening here . . .

Business as usual will not and cannot be sustained.

Roger Simon (editor PJ Media)     Is America in a Pre-Revolutionary State?

Sarah Palin  –  Abandon conservative principles and off we go

Rush Limbaugh –  Republican Party made a huge mistake not embracing the tea party in 2010

Republicans had natural allies in the tea party movement . . . but chose to distance themselves from them.

Tea Party adherents challenge the Republican establishment to live up to the platform.

Suggested mascot for SCRCC leadership operating policies.

Suggested mascot for SCRCC leadership operating policies.

The Republican leadership’s reaction locally, essentially “we don’t talk about issues.”  The Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa says otherwise, but no matter. Advocating on behalf of the platform to Republican legislators, who should be the easiest to talk to by the way, using their official influence privately or publicly . . .  such activity is shunned by these “leaders.”  That is toadyism.  Toadies never criticize, never correct, cajole or enforce principles.  Instead of serve and protect (principles) they just serve, lick, facilitate  . . . whatever.

They talk of outreach efforts to “demographics”  . . . but what are they going to talk about to the “demographics”  if not issues . . . what a nice office we have?

This plastic amorphous elephant would better represent some in the Republican establishment.

This plastic amorphous elephant would better represent some in the Republican establishment.

And where is the outreach to the conservative base . . . which is issue driven?  The Tea Party is shunned.  None of the local tea party activities were embraced in any of  their iterations.   The local leadership tried to grift off of them, but never facilitated, perhaps undermined them. And where were the SCRCC independent tax protests . . . religious liberty protests . . . ?   The RPI and the RNC actually did facilitate such activities including Tea Party events . . .  but the SCRCC leadership, nope.  But vote Republican, it means something! Anything.

Issues are the vanguard, not plastic elephants or vote seeking politicians.      R Mall

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2 Responses to There’s something happening here . . .

  1. Gus says:

    Maybe the most remarkable thing this country has witnessed is the near-total abdication of the Congress’ status as a co-equal branch of our government. Obama has run roughshod over Congressional responsibilities and prerogatives…with not just passive acceptance by Congress but even active cooperation. The GOP establishment and current leadership are both incompetent and ineffective. The Democrats, however, are more than willing to let Obama run everything as long as the political and financial support keeps coming from the media and their powerful special interest groups. The lawlessness of this administration is breathtaking! The EPA, NLRB, IRS, the “Justice” Department, Health and Human Services…to cite their unconstitutional actions requires a full length book. Several have been written but largely ignored by the average un- or mis-informed American. No truer statement has been made than that any law or part of a law that Obama doesn’t like or agree with, he will ignore or break…DOMA, “Don’t Ask…”, “No Child Left Behind”, Immigration, OBAMACARE. And, court decisions he feels very comfortable in simply defying… illegal “recess” appointments, Court-rebuked deception in the Gulf oil spill, etc. Congressmen Braley and Loebsack should be driven from office for their daily failure to uphold the Constitution and protect the Co-equal status of the legislative branch. Instead, we’re likely to see Mr. Braley become Harkin II.
    But never mind, Marco Rubio will save the day!

  2. Roy Munson says:

    Speaking of getting screwed by the Republican Party, look what I just stumbled across:

    “George W. Bush to push Immigration reform”

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