Altering the Deal — from Patriot Post

This article from today’s Patriot Post suggests and explains a more expansive sinister side than mere politics to Obama’s unilateral attempts to alter timetables and other aspects  of the Obamacare law as passed by Congress. Thus the thematic specter of Darth Vader .

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2013-07-12-digest-1Another week, another behind-the-scenes bureaucratic change to ObamaCare. Barack Obama continues to use power he doesn’t have to alter the deal, making changes to his signature health care law to suit his political ends. To quote Lando Calrissian in “The Empire Strikes Back” after Darth Vader changed the terms of an agreement, “This deal is getting worse all the time.”

Shortly after last week’s announced one-year delay of the employer mandate, the White House embellished the typical Friday afternoon news dump with an extra special one on the day after Independence Day. The new announcement: The Obama Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will no longer attempt to verify eligibility for individual insurance subsidies, opting instead to go with the honor system — at least until 2015. Talk about opening the doors to fraud, and, therefore, even more skyrocketing costs. Wasn’t this called the “Affordable Care Act”?

Individuals are supposed to be eligible for insurance subsidies only if their employer doesn’t provide government-approved coverage. Now that employers don’t have to report that information, individuals merely have to let HHS know that they need a subsidy and, voila! handouts. True, if liars are caught, they should be fined $25,000. But it will be very hard and rare to catch offenders, if the government even tries to do so.

It turns out that Obama and his NeoCom cronies have known for months that this was coming. Back in March, the people designing the online insurance marketplaces at HHS warned that not only were they not going to be delivering world-class service, they were just hoping it wasn’t going to be “a Third-World experience.”

Not to worry, though. Obama tells us that if we just stop being so cynical, his plan will work perfectly: “[I]n this democracy, we the people recognize that this government belongs to us, and it’s up to each of us and every one of us to make it work better. We can’t just stand on the sidelines. We can’t take comfort in just being cynical. We all have a stake in government’s success, because the government is us, and we’re doing things right.”
To continue the Star Wars reference, he finds our lack of faith disturbing.

But Obama has done nothing to earn our faith. To the contrary, he’s running a cynical and crisis-exploiting government. We suspect he’s planning to exploit this ObamaCare train wreck to, first of all, ensure that millions of Americans are so dependent on it as to make repeal impossible, and, second, to move us down the tracks to single-payer government health care.

Far from incompetence on the part of the administration, this is a remarkable ploy to foist ever-more dependence and tyranny on our great nation. Candidate Obama once told us his goal was “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” He’s succeeding.

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