Texas pro-abortion demonstration inside state capitol. Picture and full story available at lifenews,com.
What this little twaddle merchant is too ignorant to realize is that Americans are willing to fight for the rule of law. That is our history and history is not over. Further, what twits like her do not anticipate is that the tipping point they are trying to foment may not teeter their way. Her Obamaite handlers help make the case that they are at root destroyers of civility. And as an election approaches what is their message . . . insult Christians.
This sort of thing is being celebrated in the leftist blogosphere, for being bold, provocative, courageous. The religion that has brought and sustained free- dom and tolerance is being blasphemed by such ignoramuses. Courage, I don’t think so.
Of course if she took her claptrap on the road, say to a Muslim country, which are uniformly intolerant of abortion, and maybe stood on a street corner with her sign referencing Mohammad rather than Jesus, well we might be impressed.
The hateful left has always used these tactics at what they perceive as soft targets (tolerant Christians). They did so well before Saul Alinsky, the current spiritual guru of such activity. Of course fomenting what amounts to anarchy is just a tool toward real control. Lenin and Hitlerites used tactics that presaged and no doubt informed Alinsky’s writings. Alinsky was essentially just a NeoCom(munist) in that regard.
Obama is a devotee of Alinsky tactics, taught his methods. Individuals close to the Obama administration helped encourage and orchestrate these tactics at the Texas Capitol. They were there in defense of elective late term abortion for any reason and in opposition to basic health standards to protect women from Gosnel like abortion chambers. Just like Obama. R Mall