Libya Experience Is Best Reason Against Intervening In Syria

In arguing against intervening in Syria, Byron York, in my view, provides the best case for conservatives who oppose US military intervention in Syria. Read it here.
He notes that many Democrats and leftists are opposing Obama saying that the Iraq experience has given great pause to another such adventure in Syria. To me, that’s just another variation on the tired old theme used to excuse every Obama bonehead action…”it’s Bush’s fault.”

Another point York makes that the comparison should be with the recent and ongoing Libya experience and the role that the addled John McCain played in it and in the current Syrian debate. Any conservative paying attention to this aging GOP Establishment “superstar” should have his head examined…McCain would likely think that “freedom fighters” like the Muslim Brotherhood would be just fine to put in charge of a post-Assad Syria. Probably since it worked so well in Egypt…and Uma Weiner would be OK with that. (Now, of course, Vietnam hero, John Kerry, will properly “vet” those rebel groups…perhaps to sort out the “moderate” Al Qaeda fighters from the “extremist” Al Qaeda fighters.)

Finally, it is no wonder that Iran, Russia, China, and US enemies around the world are “quaking in their boots” at the fearsome Obama. After all, how much more scary can it get when a warrior like Barak the Great warns that he has drawn a line and if you cross it your gonna get a shot across your bow, with a strongly worded speech to follow.       DLH

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