Middle East And Syria — Obamas Dungeons & Dragons Foreign Policy Game?

wargames-gentlemen-this-how-the-syria-strike-will-unfold-war-politics-1378220060The problem is that Obama has never picked a role* that serves peace or US interests.

The following articles provide clear information and analysis about the  Obama Syria foreign policy debacle and the appropriate Republican response to it. Alternatives are set forth along with their implications, including that of today’s Russian proposal that the Syrian government’s chemical weapons be placed under international control.

The possible gamesmanship of this latest scenario is analyzed in this article in Breitbart.com by John Nolte.  It seems that the Russians jumped on an unstudied offhand remark by SOS Kerry suggesting something like what the Russian’s propose. As Nolte points out: The gist is that

No one believes Assad would ever willingly give up his chemical weapons, but should he agree to an offer the Obama administration did not mean to make, it could stall American action for weeks and even months.

Nolte believes the Russian gambit is a poke in the eye to Obama and will serve to further embarrass him.  That it is not something he wants.  Obama wants to throw some missiles. Our take, given that Hillary Clinton seems to have jumped on board, and possibly the State Department, is that Obama may use this development to declare a victory for hard diplomacy on their part.  It is gag inducing but the media would be willing to let them get away with it.

Of course Assad will not honor anything, the fulfillment will likely just be another Saddam keystone kops WMD scenario. Putin and Assad play Obama who does not really care because we suspect he is more desperate for some face saving political scenario then even helping the terrorist opposition in Syria by degrading Assad’s military capability.  Putin is far better at the end game.

This latest development could serve as an addendum to  Victor Davis Hanson’s very thorough presentation titled Syrian Knowns and Unknowns  available at PJ Media.

Clarice Feldman offers up another trenchant essay   Operation Cockamamie: The Damascus Follies

Roger Simon, the founding editor of PJ Media, and an early supporter of “doing something” apologies for even toying with the idea that Obama was up to the leadership necessary to do something effective in America’s interest.  Read his useful comments: Going to War with the Blind General of Benghazi (An Apology)

James Toranto, writing at the Wall Street Journal, responds to Bill Kristol’s suggestion that expedient politics require Republicans to vote yes on Obama’s war measures aimed at the Syria government.  We would summarize Taranto as arguing to the effect that Kristol is fighting the last political war over war.  Things have changed substantially in the politics of such matters.  The analysis is available here.  Kristol’s view of Republicans seems reducible to jingoism.

Reading and drawing on these essays will make you the erudite king of lunch table discussions.     R Mall

* Dungeons and Dragons is a roll playing game.

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