Monthly Archives: October 2013

Municipal Elections – Party Affiliations and General Recommendations

The Scott County Republican Party (SCRP) leadership a few days ago put out a list of candidates who happen to be registered Republicans and who are on the ballot for the November 5 municipal elections.  The municipal races are officially … Continue reading

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Happy Halloween

Halloween Sent buy Vincie, card available at 00

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Vote Republican in Scott County, You Heard It Here First

The Scott County Republican Party (SCRP) Web site home page, as currently displayed, in all its informative motivational splendor, lists candidates for the November 5th general election who have a Republican registration. That minimalist information is inadequate in some of … Continue reading

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Is Obama Still President?

“We are currently learning whether the United States really needs a president. Barack Obama has become a mere figurehead, who gives speeches few listen to any more, issues threats that scare fewer, and makes promises that almost no one believes … Continue reading

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Obama Swears He Is Clueless

Wall Street Journal, front page, lead story, Mon. Oct. 28, 2013 . . . . Obama Unaware as U.S. Spied on World Leaders . . . And, let us not forget how many things the smartest president in US history … Continue reading

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A Visit By Clarice’s Neighbor, Then See the Digital Conversion of Your Thoughts

You may have noticed that Clarice Feldman writing at American Thinker is a favorite of ours.   More than a conservative intellectual she can also be a clever satirist.  The “conversation” with her young neighbor is an incisive skewer of Obamacare.   … Continue reading

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Another Video Expose . . . And Coming Soon . . .

Thanks to MVQ for this video referral of The One assuring us of  “no more (NSA) letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime”   This is really rich.  Only about a minute long.       Obama on the … Continue reading

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Secretary of State Schultz Speaks of Voter Fraud . . .

Scott County Republican leadership speechless Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz was in town Wednesday and was the featured speaker at a SCRCC fund raising event.  About forty people attended. Given that his visit brought substantive information about voter fraud … Continue reading


Video Presentations

This site has been perhaps 99% the text and still graphics variety of blog presentation.  Video expose’s are occasionally referred to but we prefer to set forth written commentary and chronicles. We have noticed more and more that news and … Continue reading


Liberal Lies Travel Around The World Before The Truth Catches Up

Durbin Lies — Moral Relativism & The Left  —  Gary Bauer Traditional morality teaches that lying, cheating and stealing are wrong. But the philosophical left argues that morality is in the eye of the beholder. If you’re serving the left’s … Continue reading

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