“Reid Is An Ugly Piece Of Work”

Harry Reid's fallback response to reporter questions

Harry Reid’s fallback response to reporter questions

John Hayward writing at Human Events wrote that comment in his incisive article available here. We could not agree more. The article is really not an unmasking, because as he states, Reid’s response yesterday to a question from a reporter  “is a reminder of why the media normally goes to great lengths to conceal the existence of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV).”    From the excellent Hayward article:

CNN’s Dana Bash asked Reid about the Republican strategy of funding the government piecemeal (i.e. the way things really ought to work, all of the time, especially if Democrats are going to defy federal law for years on end and refuse to pass a budget.)  One of these Republican bills will fund the National Institutes of Health, which among other things conducts clinical trials for cancer treatments.  Bash wanted to know how Democrats could be opposed to such a bill, especially since they’ve been making a lot of noise about the potential danger to cancer-stricken children.  She also folded in the rhetoric we heard from Democrats during the recent gun-control debate, when it was boldly asserted that any action which could save just one child’s life is worth taking.

Reid dumped his usual boilerplate about the unspeakable outrage of Republicans picking and choosing which parts of government to fund.  ”But if you can help one child with cancer, why wouldn’t you do it?” Bash pressed.

“Why would we want to do that?” snarled Reid.  ”I have 1,100 people at Nellis Air Force Base that are sitting home.  They have a few problems of their own.”

Reid followed up with a little dash of condescension and misogyny by sneering at Bash, “To have someone of your intelligence to suggest such a thing maybe means you’re irresponsible and reckless.”  Unlike, say, a Senate Majority Leader who defies federal budget laws for over four years, while six trillion dollars gets piled onto the national debt.

Does even the most partisan Democrat voter believe that  Harry Reid’s remarks, as quoted above, would not be used by media, the liberal MSM and the establishment Republican pundits alike, to destroy permanently the political future of any conservative or Tea Party Republican who uttered them?

But for Harry Reid, just another day at the office for this nasty, destructive little man.

On MSNBC this Thursday morning, the reliable quisling “Republican”, Joe Scarborough, joined his charming leftist colleagues to ridicule those who found Reid’s comments shockingly revealing about the “man(?)”. To quote as accurately as possible: “Everybody knows Harry didn’t mean that. He loves children with cancer…he loves all children” (They didn’t mention it but I’m sure they would like to advise us that it was Harry himself who originally said (attributed later to Jesus Christ), “suffer the little children unto me…”  DLH

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