Health Care Debate: Scott County Republican Leadership AWOL

Uncle Sam has been calling the SCRCC leadership

Uncle Sam has been calling the SCRCC leadership. No response.

Iowa Congressman Steve King was masterful this week in his responses to the sneeringly loaded questions from CNN’s Chris Cuomo about responsibility for the “government shutdown.”  The interview took place on October 3rd.  You can listen to the interview here and delight in King’s simple eloquence as he takes apart Cuomo’s accusations.

The statement we found profound was this one:

“The public has rejected Obamacare every single month since it was passed. It was passed on a partisan agenda,” he said. “If we allow Obamacare to be implemented, we can never recover from it . . . It will diminish the trajectory of the American destiny by turning us into a dependency society.”

It is because of this sort of effective “on message” leadership and profundity from conservatives that Republicans have a chance to get something more from the current appropriations battle than rug burns from rolling over.

In our last post we pointed out that local hard core liberal Democrat congressmen Bustos, Loebsack and Braley have been given permission to vote for Republican initiated individual program funding bills.  They are not being held to Obama’s and Harry Reid’s “include Obamacare or nothing” obstinance.

Yes, to be sure, there is a head count going on to protect Obamacare,  but the underlying reason for giving anyone walking papers at any level is that Democrat handlers recognize the political vulnerability of Democrats on this issue for not voting to fund various government programs unless Obamacare is included. It is an important break because now the Republican efforts are “bipartisan” which makes ineffective the liberal narrative.

The matter of the government take over of health care has every bit of the profound implications Congressman King ascribes to it.  And locally who do we have to thank for doing something effective to help focus the facts and pressure necessary to achieve the important results seen this week? Not the leadership of the Scott County Republican Central Committee. Anemic would vastly overrate their performance in furtherance of their responsibility, emanating from local and state charters, to promote Republican principles.

Looking at the SCRCC Website News section one finds a total of 33 posts, for the months of June, July, August and September, a 122 day period.  That is barely a post of any sort every four days in a time of intense political battles on critical issues like immigration and  leading up to the battle over funding the take over of health care. Such a dearth of posts is pathetic in its own right given the resources available.

Yet fully half of the posts on the SCRCC Web site were one sentence notices regarding internally generated meetings suitable for the space available on a calender!  There was not one item focused on our local Congressmen or Senators that related to the socially crucial health care battle! Nothing to educate the community, no links, no commentary, nothing to provide Republicans the tools to fight the battle.

But throw in a very few notices of outside group sponsored events, candidate announcements and very little else, and you have the SCRCC Web site in all its attentive glory.

In 2010 Republican candidate victories here and across the nation were driven by the TEA party movement and the issues they championed.  In 2012, well given the tent closures by the SCRCC leadership, and phobia about talking about issues, they can claim responsibility for that year.

In 2014 victory will be about issues, giving people reasons to vote conservative. Republican leaning voters already know where to vote and what day to vote. They need to be inoculated beginning yesterday from the lies and distortions of Democrats and motivated by the articulation of issues, differences between the parties and the demonstrated commitment of Republicans to restore America.  Not the appearance of corporate toadyism.     R Mall


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