The Default Boogieman


Default – is a pathetic excuse, it won’t happen

Maybe we are beating a dead horse bothering to argue about the bogus debt default threat being used by Democrats to bamboozle the country. Given the apparent  capitulation by Republican leadership to that boogieman yesterday, that was probably the case.  But then today Obama refused to allow any of the crumbs solicited by the Republicans for the price of extending the debt ceiling.

So now now where are we?  Could it be that Obama is becoming confirmed in the public’s mind as the chief recalcitrant for refusing the weak-kneed Republican proposal?  Or, has the good ship Capitulation sailed and Republicans have only one direction to go, with less to gain?

Current Republican leadership will probably just plea that they are working with the President in the hope of gaining little or nothing.  They will continue to assure us that the next battle will be decisive even though they had insisted the budget ceiling debate was the battle and not the continuing resolution.

David Stockman’s authoritative advice, which we referred to in a previous post , should have been enough to give the leadership some courage to press Obama for more rather than plead for little, but so it goes.

So with only a glimmer of hope that the Republican leadership everywhere will find their tongues and call out the Obamacrats  for scaremongering and their continued obstinance over Obamacare,  we set forth these quotes from prominent Republican Senators to assure them that the default issue is bogus.  All quotes are via Politico and are available here .  *

Pat Toomey (R – PA):  “Zero chance of default ” . . .  the White House is using the threat of default to ‘cow’ Republicans

Tom Coburn (R – OK) : Warnings of a U.S. default if Congress doesn’t raise the debt ceiling by October 17th are untrue.

Rand Paul (R-KN): President Barack Obama and his aides have waded into dangerous territory by suggesting that the U.S. government might default on its debt.

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Update about this matter regarding Senator Grassley was posted  on 10-13-13. It is available here. Senator Grassley has similar views that default won’t happen or could only happen if Obamacrats make it happen.

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