The Pragmatic Thing Is To Do Everything Possible to Stop Obamacare

Practical economic and cultural effect of not stopping Obamacare now:

Daniel Horowitz writing at Red State, article title :  Fighting Obamacare: The Difference Between Cutting Spending and Limiting Harmful Government

1)      There is nothing that will destroy more jobs, lower wages, raise the cost of living, and disrupt personal liberty than Obamacare.  Not to mention the fact that it’s costly to the federal budget.
2)      Due to the new coverage of Obamacare over the past few years, the importance of healthcare, and the immediate deleterious effects of the law, this is something that is easily understood and vividly felt by the broad populace.
3)      If we are resigned to letting go of the Obamacare fight in the budget, there is no way it will ever be repealed, even partially repealed.  By 2017, the first possible opportunity for full GOP control of government, there will be over 30 million people either willingly or unwillingly dependent on Obamacare.  Even if it is barely workable, it would be the only care they have.  We cannot repeal it.

The political fallout of appearing to cave to Obamacrats

John Hayward writing at Human Events, article titled Shutdown Deal In Sight?

 The deadly mistake for Republicans would be accepting a deal that dispirits their base and leaves them to wonder what the point of showing up at the polls would be, or perhaps turns them toward the generation-spanning task of dismantling the Republican Party and replacing it with a viable third party.  Obviously, Democrats would very much like for Republicans to accept such a deal.

And if the House forces some improvements in the Senate package, making it just good enough to keep GOP base voters on board for 2014… well, people are going to remember the things Barack Obama did during Shutdown Theater.  Midterm elections are strongly influenced by base voters, and the Republican base is capable of remembering things the media helps low-information voters forget.  There is still a long game to be played here, provided the GOP leadership doesn’t throw away all its chips.

David Limbaugh writing at Human Events, article titled:  Time for the GOP to Stop Kicking the Can Down the Road

The establishment line is that Cruz et al. have no strategy. To the contrary, they know that grass-roots conservatives (and many other Americans who have no voice) are frustrated and feel disenfranchised. They want to know that their votes matter and that they have representatives in Washington who’ll fight for them. The Cruz-ers aren’t guaranteeing short-term victory, but by fighting fiercely and drawing attention to Obama’s excesses and recklessness, they are increasing their chances to stop him eventually.

Meanwhile, what is the establishment’s strategy? It’s been urging caution since the very first budget impasse with Obama. Establishment types always tell us to wait until the next election or we’ll get shellacked. They seem to continue to get their way, but we get shellacked anyway, and an increasing number of people are coming to believe there is no longer any difference between the parties. And here’s another little secret: Even if conservatives do lose the public relations battle over the government shutdown, we’re more than a year away from the 2014 elections, and Republicans are likelier to get hurt then by not having fought than they are by contributing to an impasse that led to an ultimately harmless government shutdown. . . .

Besides, if we can’t win a PR battle with Obama over Obamacare in the very midst of its nightmarish rollout, what makes our establishment friends think we can win in 2014 after having rolled over for Obama without “firing a shot,” blurred the lines of distinction between the parties, and killed each other with not-so-friendly fire?

The three articles referenced and quoted above have much more to say and readers are encouraged to use the links and read them in their entirety.   R Mall

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One Response to The Pragmatic Thing Is To Do Everything Possible to Stop Obamacare

  1. Gus says:

    CNBC this morning featured the only correct and accurate pronouncement on this entire fiasco…it is the Republicans’ fault and the Tea Party is a dangerous entity. Not in these words precisely but this is the conclusion of the only person who counts in America…the “Oracle of Omaha”, the sainted $62 billion Man, Warren Buffett.
    I wonder if Mr. Buffett, in order to help out his buddy, Barack, would endorse a proposal to levy a one time 100% surtax on net worth of more than $1 billion!?
    Probably not. It would not be fair to ask the most wise and compassionate person currently on the planet to make do with a mere billion dollar pittance.

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