The “Leader” Mislead About Obamacare?

Hmmm . . . who misled the President . . . this time?

CHUCK TODD: Five days before the launch, the president said it’s a website where you can compare and purchase affordable health care plans, the same way you shop for a plane ticket on Kayak. Who misled him? Who misled the president on this? Are you telling me five days before that somebody let the president go out to the American public to give this speech and say this and make this promise? In fact, the next line is: I promise you, this is a lot easier, it’s like booking a hotel or plane ticket. Who let him down?

Poor Barack. Whenever any of the key people in his administration tell him anything, it’s apparently only to “mislead” him. The poor guy. If he’s not being “misled’, he is forced to read the paper to find out what’s going on in the government he ostensibly runs.


Terrell’s photoshops, are used with permission. See more of his great work at NRO and his own site

Who misled Mr. Obama into thinking that the New Haven police department acted “stupidly” in arresting his professor buddy?

Who misled our president about the Muslim Brotherhood being the great hope for the Egyptian people?

Why did Mr. Obama have to read it in the paper that his IRS was targeting his political opponents?

Why did he have to learn by watching CNN that people in his administration were wiretapping journalists (James Rosen) and likely hacking their computers (remember Sharyl Attkisson?)?

Who “misled” our president into thinking that it was a video which inflamed “those guys out for a walk in Benghazi and decided to go kill some Americans”.

And this thing about “Fast and Furious”…who came up with that plan? Don’t ask Obama…he and Eric Holder , like Sergeant Schultz “know nothing”, and if they do it’s an “executive privilege” ordinary Americans don’t have and don’t need!

And why would the nation’s CEO be expected to think that he was supposed to read the health care legislation to know what was in it? Who “misled him into thinking that, if “folks” liked their doctor or their health insurance plan, they could keep it?

Nevertheless, our president has “great confidence” in his people…Kathleen and Hillary and Eric. And then there was Lisa Jackson and “Big Sis” and….

Oh, but, in the words of the greatest Secretary of State in all of world history, “what difference does it make?”

(I’m inclined to echo the views of another great philosopher, Casey Stengel, to paraphrasel: “This guy (Obama) has messed up the presidency so bad, nobody can play that position”).     DLH

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