Liar In Chief


Two recent articles methodically list and examine some of the political policy lies Obama has told. We say that definitively and not in a partisan manner because even liberal media outlets are beginning to award “Pinocchios” to Obama for his public statements.

This first excerpt is from the incomparable Clarice Feldman, one of the most respected writers around. The left has found it impossible to smear this lady, but I’ll bet they keep trying.  So accurate and filled with truth that, if widely circulated, even the most ardent obamafreaks would have to pause…well, maybe not.

There is widespread fury at the lies which were used to sell ObamaCare, a more than 2,000-page piece of legislation no one read before it was passed, a law opposed by the majority of voters which was crammed down our throats without a single Republican vote. The law essentially was a mishmash blank slate which left it to the administration’s HHS head, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to write as she pleased and the president to — by Executive order — pay off with exemptions and special treatment those cronies and rent seekers not already paid off in the legislative and regulatory process.
Whether this law will continue to pass judicial scrutiny remains to be seen, but what is obvious at this early date is that the press and the public figures who promoted it are lying low as the tsunami of voter rage builds.

Read more of this expose in American Thinker, available here.

Alan Caruba waded in to the depth of Obama’s lies as well. The title of his article: Pathological Liar.

 . . . In June The Pew Research Center, which has tracked the various descriptions of President Obama over the years, noted that “The survey finds that the one-word impressions people have of Obama have changed a great deal throughout his presidency. Terms like incompetent and liar now are among the most frequently used words to describe Obama.” No surprises here.

The revelations about ObamaCare and the lies Obama told to sell it to the public have now become unavoidable for the White House, and they will have a significant impact on the 2014 midterm elections next November  if the Republicans in Congress can resist letting him off the hook by going along with a proposal to delay its implementation for a year . . .

Years ago there was a Russian poet, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, who, living in the then-Soviet Union, warned us all, “When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie.”  We cannot be silent in the face of the tsunami of lies pouring forth out of the White House, as told by the President, and by those around him.

We must expose the lies, discuss the lies, and we must resist the lies or be their victim.

Early on in his article Caruba makes mention of a Website devoted to Obama’s lies.      We have added it to our blog roll.  We fully anticipate that it will be a burgeoning site and one for frequent reference.     DLH and R Mall

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