Destructive, Whether Incompetent or Sinister

ShatterMagicShield2WebCR-11_14_13This has to be THE quote of the day. It’s from the Iowahawk, and offered by Clarice Feldmann, whose column today is another must read. ( This quip must take its place in the category of “Damn! I wish I’d said that”):

Feldmann: I resist amateur psychological analyses but it is hard to ignore the President’s narcissistic pathology, and, if this is the case, as he is cornered he is only more dangerous than ever. Iowahawk’s nailed it I think:

Let’s not argue whose idea it was to bring the Jarts and tequila. We need to all work together to fix the hole in this guy’s head.”

Nevertheless, because history wants to know, Alan Caruba asks Is Obama Brilliant or Stupid ?  

Like most of the nation, opinions are fairly divided between those who think he is an evil genius and others who think he is an imbecile.

Along that line, Kelly O’Connel bravely writes in the brave Canada Free Press:                   “Barack the Incompetent”—It Has a Nice Ring, Doesn’t it?!!

“Historians will look back upon Obamamania with a sense of disbelief and humor, every bit as much as those studying the Tulipomania (see Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds). That Obama’s powers to mesmerize, amaze and compel have dissipated is the most pedestrian observation, recalling Lord Byron’s famous lines;

“‘The spell is broke; the charm is flown!
Thus is it with life’s fitful fever:
We madly smile when we should groan:
Delirium is our best deceiver.'”

Indeed  “Barack the Incompetent” does have a nice ring.  Mr. O’Connell serves up nothing I find I can disagree with. Unfortunately, the solution which he proposes, that Barack Obama leave office now and, hopefully, public life forever, cannot happen.

Look no further Quad Citians than to the QC Times and its editorial board. Anyone who talks in such terms must be a racist. So invested have they been in Mr. Obama, they would never support ridding our nation of his mendacious incompetence and studied treachery. True, they turned to Mitt barely and briefly  in a lover’s spat, but they continue to cover for the one they jilted.

Look also to Obama’s enablers/”co-conspirators”, like Bruce “Cash for Clunkers” Braley. He who assured us that, by golly, he would read any proposed health care legislation before he voted on it (that was a promise Bruce made in a local townhall meeting).

And even, Dave Loebsack, a committed liberal but an apparently decent man. He has benefited from his Democratic party affiliation but also from his support of President Obama and virtually every one of his destructive initiatives. He would not be at all likely to call for Mr. Obama to resign, much less vote to impeach.

Sadly, this nation will be saddled with this would be, if not accomplished, dictator for at least three more years.

Not an upbeat prospect.

Extending the conversation . . . while it may be arguable that there could possibly be a more destructive, petulant, vindictive, pathological America-hating president than Barack Obama but there could be a case made that Elizabeth Warren could be it.

George Will provides a little insight into why this horrific possibility could come to be.

God help us.    DLH

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