Is GOP Leadership Pretending Again?

square-med-jusErick Erickson writing at RedState pulls no punches:

Many of you are convinced you can sit on the sidelines or quietly take the side of the Republican Establishment in the upcoming primary season. Many of you are convinced it does not matter. Many of you are convinced that the GOP will do the right thing once they have control. . . .

When last the GOP held the White House and Congress, it imposed steel tariffs in Pennsylvania, No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, TARP, the General Motors bailout, and tried immigration reform. The same Republican Party, minus George Bush, but with Karl Rove attached to outside groups, wants back the keys to the kingdom.

They increased big government when they held power all to themselves. Do you really want to give it back to them — largely the same group with few changes or additions?

The Republican Party should be better than the Democratic Party. But these days it refuses to fight, raises taxes while calling them “fees”, and presents no vision to the American people.

The Republican Party has principles and winning programs . . . too bad only Conservatives and the Tea Party are willing to articulate them and act on them.   It cannot wait until the din of the fall campaign.  The time to inoculate the public is now.  Spend time and effort now to destroy Obamacare.  There will be more money coming in during the course of a well done campaign in appreciation of our working to save the nation’s healthcare system from long term disaster and stop other damage from Obama’s policies.               R Mall

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