Veritas Salad — Hmmm, Who Can We Offend Today?

From over the transom, thanks to ?

From over the transom. . . . but we still appreciate Facebook links and likes.

We woke up this morning not wanting to get out of bed – too damn cold — but after thinking about whom we might offend today — that always warms the cockles of our heart — we decided to get right at it.   But alas  so many to offend and so little bandwidth.  However in pulling together a few items for this post we did decide on a New Year’s resolution — even if circumstances limit our time, to stay with our mission as best we can for another year.

Let’s start off with posts and commentary that will no doubt wrongly be considered gay bashing by bullies who are gay, and their sycophants . . . the people who went after the Robertson family of Duck Dynasty fame.  The following are links to honest discussion that you won’t see referred to in the MSM.

This article appeared just a few days ago in Taki’s Magazine (.com) —  Straight Dope on Homosexuality,  written by Elizabeth McCaw.  The comment section is worthy as well. By the way Taki’s Magazine is a publication that we have been remiss in not including on our blog roll.  That has been remedied.

The Western Journalism Center is a  publication we have linked to before. Here is a link to their files about an incident that predates the Robertson / Duck Dynasty bullying campaign by homosexual militants and others intent on cultural denigration.  Gay Bullies Savagely Attack Christians at Pride Event.

Regular readers are aware of our view that homosexual militants were actually successful in intimidating Chick-fil-A, Inc. restaurants. However many of you may not be aware of the tactics used by homosexual militants which cost a devout Christian family that ran a bakery in Oregon their business because they refused to make a wedding cake for a same sex marriage event. Read about the implications of such bullying and some honest contrary opinion in the comment section of the story titled  The Gay Bullies Strike Again available in the publication Charisma News.

Along the way we came across an online blog that purports to follow stories and provide commentary on Victims of Gay Bullying.  We have not thoroughly reviewed the site but it may have merit as a repository of such articles.

By the way, we have taken attending The Rose Bowl Parade (RBP) off of our bucket list of things to do some day. They allowed the political stunt of a same sex marriage on top of one of the floats.  As by design, it received much media attention.  We wonder if the organizers ever allowed a heterosexual wedding on a float?

So what’s next now that avoidance of controversy and keeping to cultural traditions are no longer prerequisites for the RBP?   Maybe a float of a big doobie normalizing pot smoking, for medicinal purposes of course.  It certainly would be adaptable to the requirement that all floats be completely covered in live or dead plant material.  There would need to be a protective cordon moving along with it as there would be a lot of Californians trying to set it on fire. Cheech and Chong could be featured riding on top.  We are not sure they wouldn’t light it up themselves and go out in a blaze of glory.

We do not even want to discuss what the degenerates at Planned Parenthood would come up with for a float.

The Nation Advocates Fewer and Dumber Students

Want to know who and what liberals respect?  You can find the usual suspects in this article in the liberal publication The Nation.  One honoree is Wendy Davis, the Texas legislator who made a name for herself through a parliamentary stunt which briefly delayed abortion regulatory legislation in Texas. Keeping women (especially minorities) subjected to filthy clinics and insuring that unborn babies continue to be killed by excruciatingly painful procedures are badges of honor for her and her champions at The Nation.

Another honoree is described in this, we are not making this up, glowing explanation:

When teachers at Seattle’s Garfield High School refused to administer the Measures of Academic Progress test to ninth graders in January—with support from parents, students, rank-and-file activists from Seattle Equality Educators and local NAACP leaders—they put the issue of overtesting on the agenda. That boycott, and their broader challenge to the obsession with standardized testing, caught fire, spreading to other Seattle schools and inspiring actions across the country. The Seattle Education Association backed its members in the critical early stages of the struggle and pressed the issue until the superintendent announced in May that schools could opt out of the testing regimen and that test scores would no longer be a graduation requirement. Garfield teacher Jesse Hagopian says: “This movement is just beginning. It’s going to spread from school to school to school.”

Diplomas and academic records should then simply read  “Johnny Smith spent __ years at our school”  Anything else would be prejudicial.

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