Scott County Republican Precinct Caucus Resolutions – Page 2

It is too bad that the Scott County Republican Party Web site does not have the county platform posted.  Having it posted would both educate and give confidence to the base of the party.  It would also provide a ready template for timely alterations, helping caucus and convention attendees.

We note that Polk County Republicans post their platform, including historical editions.  Must be a big city slicker thing for those with fancy computers and such. Not like us backwater types in Scott County . But wait.  The Scott County Democrats are forthright in posting their platform.  So it must not be the water or the availability of computers.   For the record we think the posting is commendable, the content of the Democrat Platform and its grunt like format is atrocious.

Education planks.

The Education section of the Scott County Republican platform has historically been  either the largest or second largest part.  Education in Iowa is traditionally of intense local interest and reflecting that, grass roots Republicans desire to speak to a variety of timely issues,   guiding our candidates and elected officials. It is a good example of why platforms from larger geographical boundaries (district, state, national) cannot be depended on to reflect the  priorities of our community and should not supplant local platforms.

Recent Scott County Education sections have been quite thorough.  Arguably the principles contained therein cover the issue of “Common Core State Standards (CCSS).” However the term itself has both a notoriety and peculiarities such that we think it appropriate to address it specifically in the platform.  Thus we support the following which is adapted from a resolution by the Republican National Committee some months ago.

Resolved, Common Core State Standards have less to do with raising standards than lowering standards. They are an inappropriate overreach to standardize and control the education of our children so they will conform to a preconceived ‘normal…’ Common Core Standards are bad for our children and are a gross overreach into the lives of Americans by the federal government.

We also think  that the educational system in Iowa grossly underfunds the community college system in the state compared to the universities.  We suggest the following:

Resolved, Iowa’s community colleges are crucial to both cultural and technological advancement in the state. We support that an overall budget neutral parity (no added taxes) for Iowa’s  community colleges  be established.

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