Veritas Salad – Presidents’ Day

with permission,

with permission,














On this Presidents’ Day rumors abound that Barack Hussein Obama, peace be upon him, has directed that all references to the day be uniformly changed to President’s day.  The placement of the possessive is not lost on his, peace be upon him, flacks.   Check out the continued confusion from .  they may not have received the memo.

Even though Congress had created a uniform federal holiday law, there was not a uniform holiday title agreement among the individual states. Some states, like California, Idaho, Tennessee and Texas chose not to retain the federal holiday title and renamed their state holiday “President’s Day.” From that point forward, the term “Presidents’ Day” became a marketing phenomenon, as advertisers sought to capitalize on the opportunity for three-day or week-long sales.

Today, President’s Day is well accepted and celebrated.

For the record, President’s day is not well accepted here. We at Veritas celebrate Presidents’ Day. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Our Illustrious Senior Editor (ISE), basking in 80º+ weather in South East Florida, sends this outrage in between sips from his mint julep (“if you are going to be outraged, you might as well be comfortable,” he always told me). The story relates to a decision by Obama’s EPA in  a sweeping agency ruling that transferred more than 1 million acres of land — including an entire city — to Native American tribes

It seems that now our “King” can decide to take any land or property away from anyone and just “give it” to someone else. If this isn’t a really weird example of the EPA assuming absolute control over the country, defining law not under its purview, I don’t know what it is.

I doubt, however, that it is even worth a Veritas mention. It is only one of 10,000 as serious, or more so actions, of the dictator.

Our ISE man does not know the limits to our outrage . . . it is what keeps us warm.  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

In a former life ISE used to deal with plant unionization in another industry, he would no doubt have something of interest to say about this ,  United Auto Workers Union Stunned by Devastating Defeat in Tennessee  ,  if we could get away from the mint juleps for more than a sip.  Up here we wonder how the vote went along gender lines. We sense more and more men are fed up with the whole union layer of bureaucracy.  We hope it is both.  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Star Parker defends Ted Cruz today for actually doing his job in this article that is right up our ally. Via GOPUSA:   Ted Cruz takes heat for telling the truth about debt limit

What, really, is the whole point of the debt ceiling if it is meaningless as a tool to restrain government spending and debt? If the debt ceiling can be routinely raised simply by the president requesting it, why have it at all? . . .

Every time the debt ceiling comes up, Cruz forces the nation to pay attention. This stuff matters, and we should be grateful to him for refusing to quietly roll over as the nation sinks.

Throwing a brick through the window to wake up the nation to the mess that has been created is an act of patriotism. I am mystified by those who think it’s all a game of psychology. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Fascinating reading here.  An interview with Lt. Gen. Ion Pacepa, the highest ranking Soviet bloc intel officer to ever defect.    Via The Blaze:

Pacepa: The very idea that the Soviet Union was defeated is disinformation in itself. The Soviet Union changed its name and dropped its façade of Marxism, but it remained the same samoderzhaviye, the historical Russian form of autocracy in which a tsar is running the country with the help of his political police . . .

Pacepa: That Marxism and its earthly Socialism are immense disinformation operations, and that all they have left behind is former Marxist countries that ended up looking like trailer camps hit by a hurricane, and leaders roasting in Dante’s Inferno. That all Marxists who have ever risen to lead a country have ended up in hell—all, from Trotsky to Stalin, Tito to Enver Hoxha to Mátyás Rakosi, Sékou Touré, Nyeree and Hugo Chavez. That all had their days of temporary glory, but that all ended in eternal disgrace. Some, like Khrushchev and Ceausescu, were even found unworthy of having their final resting place marked by any gravestone. A few remnants, like Fidel and Raul Castro, are still hanging on, but they certainly have a place in hell reserved and waiting for them.Perhaps our book may also help President Obama abandon his craving for Marx’s utopian ideology, “to each according to his need,” which is transforming the United States into a decaying socialist country in all but name . . .

Pius XII’s “Decree against Communism” was the largest excommunication in the history of the Catholic Church. That was unacceptable to the man who had become the Soviet Union’s only god—at whose order 168,300 Russian Orthodox clergy had been arrested during the purges of 1936–1938 alone, 100,000 of whom had been shot. Stalin could not arrest Pius XII, but he could change his past to make him look as an enemy of the new, post-World War II world. (planting disinformation that he was  antisemitic)

Are you listening Pope Francis?  Forget about the Pius XII  revelations, you no doubt know he was innocent of antisemitism.  We want you to concentrate on the implications of propaganda and its quite successful use on behalf of Marxism.  You might want to send one of Pacepa’s books to those you have known who are “good Marxists.”   It is not an ideology that means religion well.  With all the experience and historical record, that any religious leader can talk about it or its manifestations as non-threatening, or in any way superior to market based economies and freedoms is woeful.

There are many fascinating parts to the interview in The Blaze. Pecepa’s book, Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism, no doubt has much to offer as an historical corrective, and warning.   It is available at Amazon.  We intend to buy a copy.           R Mall

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