It’s not the system, it’s the people . . . the Dalai Lama has a better understanding of economics . . .

The Dalai Lama engages real capitalists at the American Enterprise Institute.. After his exile from Tibet, perhaps he does not have as many good Marxist friends as Pope Francis.
A Wall Street Journal story Friday reported on the Dalai Lama’s visit to the US this week. According to the Journal, the Tibetan spiritual leader has positive comments regarding capitalism and the free market system. The article notes that the Dalai Lama’s views seem to contrast significantly with those expressed last year by Pope Francis.
While the new “humble” Pontiff has criticized capitalism as excluding the poor and “creating a new tyranny”, the Dalai Lama has taken a more moderate approach, saying the free market can work when infused with compassion. He is quoted as saying, “I’ve developed more respect about capitalism”.
We believe the world would be better served if Pope Francis would meet with the Dalai Lama this March instead of his planned “sitdown” with Barack Obama where we expect the two leaders will commiserate over ” income inequality, the glories of wealth redistribution, and the evils of capitalism”.
But, that’s just our opinion. DLH w/ R Mall