Insider Questions . . .
Does the spitting match between Governor Branstad and his former chief of staff Doug Gross over “Branstad’s leadership” have anything to do with the differences with the Branstad – Romney – Kotchel (Red Wing Communications) part of the Republican establishment and their support of Joni Ernst for U.S. Senate and the Doug Gross – Victory Enterprises part of the establishment wing and their support of
Marc Mark Jacobs?
Does the name Davidson Renewable Energy, LLC which is part of a partnership listed in this effusive front page story in today’s QC Times regarding the use of manure* to generate methane and subsequently electricity on the farm of Bryan Sievers, who is immediate past Chairman Chairwoman Chairperson Chair of Scott County Republicans, have anything to do with the current Chairman Chairwoman Chairperson Chair of Scott County Republicans? Could the sentence you just read be any longer? We note that the official address of that LLC and that of Chair Davidson are one and the same.
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Speaking of Marc Mark Jacobs, a campaign press release from Sam Clovis, who we support, calls Jacobs to task for his remarkably stupid comment for an establishment guy. Wait . . . did we say “remarkably” stupid ? Establishment candidates say stupid things all the time, they just don’t have the likes of Karl Rove and company remark about them as they would if a conservative said them. Bad mouthing, back shooting and rug pulling is something reserved by them to be used toward conservative candidates. And it is not something Rove and company limit themselves to in the primary. Anyway . . . here is an excerpt from Clovis’s press release regarding Mr. Cool Suave Corporate Smoozer Jacobs:
Jacobs, commenting on MSNBC, said that “he doesn’t think members of Congress make much money.” Jacobs, a former CEO of Reliant Energy, has spent approximately $1.65 million of his own money on this campaign.
“Mark’s comments indicate that perhaps he is not sensitive to the reality of everyday Iowans when he makes comments about congressional salaries not being very much money. Maybe the salary of a U.S. Senator is not that much for Mr. Jacobs, but fewer than 10% of Iowans earn that much. Perhaps he needs to have a better understanding of the people he seeks to represent,” said Sam Clovis. Clovis went on to say that such comments made by those seeking higher office indicate that they want to become part of the “ruling class” rather than working to represent the “country class.”
Do you think Mr. In Touch with Iowa Mark Jacobs can expect a Karl Rove directed America Crossroads campaign against him? We don’t think so either.
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While checking on links to the Jacob’s quote we revisited this Breitbart article , by Tony Lee, about Jacobs. Remember Jacob’s support for so called cap and trade legislation has been fodder for comment here and in many other conservative blogs, including an ad fostered by Trees of Liberty But consider the more extensive quote provided in Breitbart. It and the time frame, which we identified as well, belie Jacobs excuses. Besides, a conservative does not damn the country to benefit his company, nor does one call for CO2 regulation.
Jacobs donated to former moderate Republican Sen. Arlen Specter after Specter became a Democrat. Though Jacobs has claimed that he donated $3,000 to Specter in September of 2009 because Specter opposed cap and trade, Jacobs said that cap and trade policy was a “workable solution” and “really hits the mark” on a number of things” less than two months before he endorsed Specter in remarks on July 28, 2009:
Rogers Herndon is going to give you a little bit more information on CO2 legislation and what that means for us on a plant-by-plant-basis, but I wanted to share with you my thoughts on CO2. First, we acknowledge the need for CO2 legislation. Second point, the Waxman-Markey bill that got passed out of the House, in our view, represents a workable framework. So, many of you’ll remember we’ve talked about what would be ideal elements of climate change policy, so having a cap and trade in national policy — Waxman-Markey really hits the mark on a number of those key things.
In addition, Specter actually introduced cap and trade legislation when he was a Republican with Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), so Specter was never a staunch opponent against the legislation in the first place.
R Mall
* Manure is something found on the pages of the QC times with regularity.
Clearly, the nation’s energy problems have been solved, thanks to projects like Mr. Seivers. Never again should America want for energy . President Obama, the Democratic congressional caucus and the GOP establishment together produce enough “biogas” to assure a future free of dependency on foreign energy sources. Just one day’s production of biogas from these sources would likely produce enough energy to power the Quad Cities for a full year!