Face Palm Stories and Pithy Posters

Jeb Bush

The following excerpts from Lucianne Godberg (Lucianne.com) and Tony Lee writing at Breitbart bring palm to face.

Lucianna.com:   Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush said he would strive to be like Lyndon Johnson, the Democrat famous for expanding the U.S. welfare state through the “Great Society,” if he were elected president. According to the Miami Herald, Bush made those comments Wednesday night in San Antonio, Florida at Saint Leo University, while speaking about education, immigration, and energy policy. Bush did not address Johnson´s Great Society and War on Poverty programs, about which Ronald Reagan once famously quipped, “We had a war on poverty, and poverty won.”

Tony Lee at Breitbart  The wheeling and dealing Johnson loved and relished is what will be needed to pass bills such as immigration regulations. That process is also how government gets expanded and cronyism thrives, as Peter Schweizer’s nonpartisan Government Accountability Institute and directer Stephen K. Bannon documented in “Boomtown.”

The Obamanation continues – what would mainstream media do with this information if it were about a Republican?

 From Patriot Post

Air Force One Boondoggle
The government has quietly released revised estimates of the cost per hour for flying Air Force One with its crew, but the estimates still don’t include all contingent aircraft and personnel. The new estimated cost is $228,280 per flight, which means that Obama has spent a staggering $456 million flying Air Force One — mostly to political fundraising and vacation junkets. And Obama has racked up more flight hours for his time in office than any previous president. In fact, his trip to New York Wednesday marked his 1,000th flight on Air Force One. Obama’s lavish ways are incredibly hypocritical after his incessant condemnation of business executives for using corporate jets. Do as he says, not as he does

 From over the transom



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