Another Day, Another Scandal, Time To Move On

This should clear it up; the racist Obama critics have failed again to disparage our courageous black president

It took a few days but here is THE definitive story on the Bergdahl episode. It is from The Daily Beast, one of the Obama administration’s reliable mouthpieces. The story has been refined and details what is sure to become the historical narrative. It describes how responsibly President Obama and his “A Team” handled with great finesse one of America’s greatest stories of military and diplomatic heroism, despite the predictable and vicious  criticism this courageous president has endured throughout his presidency. (Former Clintonite, Paul Begala today on CNN, noted that if Obama found a cure for cancer, Republicans and other Obama critics would condemn the president for “closing universities”).

We have the Pentagon, led by Secretary Of Defense, Chuck Hagel, carefully and intelligently making ongoing assessments of Bergdahl’s plight, weighing with great care the various options for a rescue attempt at various times over the term of Bergdahl’s captivity.

Courtesy Branco Cartoons and

Courtesy Branco Cartoons and

Mr. Obama’s diplomatic and political team of advisors thoughtfully weighing every possible scenario to insure that fallout from the eventual action the president approves is outweighed by the historic dedication to the finest American military and humanitarian traditions and values. Although not touched on in this piece the judgement and world experience of both of the administration’s Secretaries of State were surely tapped to insure that the handling of this crisis would be according to the highest standards of statecraft and diplomatic strategy this administration has become known for.

And then, there is Sgt. Bergdahl himself. Though critics of everything the nation’s first black president, including what one administration official has suggested, the “psychopaths” who served in Bergdahl’s unit, have tried to disparage his courage and honor, we are informed of his efforts to escape from his captors and his undying devotion to the highest military principles.

Read it, America! Read it, and weep…not for Bowe Bergdahl, but for your country.


Ed. addenda: We imagine Bergdahl would get tired of living that way and want to walk away again. That does not justify the deaths of the servicmen who tried to recover him, nor trading him for five of the worst terrorists imaginable. 

Read more here:
Report: U.S. caved on Taliban’s Gitmo demands, didn’t demand more hostages

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2 Responses to Another Day, Another Scandal, Time To Move On

  1. Roy Munson says:

    I get home and am reading a NYT link at the HuffPo, put out by the regime obviously, saying that no soldiers died looking for this guy while I have the TV on and 6 soldiers from his old unit are being intreviewed saying a bunch of guys died looking for this guy. Hmmm……who am I gonna believe?

  2. Roy Munson says:

    Susan Rice walks into a Sunday show. That’s the entire joke!

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