Veritas Salad

But that was then and this is….FORE!!!

I was once told by an affluent, “well-educated”  liberal acquaintance that my admiration for Sarah Palin reduced his “regard” for me by “two notches”.

This is a guy who voted for Obama TWICE…what does he think my regard for him is? There are no “notches” left!

This via Weasel Zippers and The Daily Caller: Remember when Obama promised that he would not take vacations?

“The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone,” Obama said. “I am giving myself to you.”

To that Weasel Zippers added . . .  “ he then proceeded to hit the golf course 186 times (and counting).”

Obama will say anything to get through the day

This from London’s Daily Mail  David Martosko:

President Barack Obama claimed Monday night during a Democratic Party fundraising dinner that the United States is ‘stronger’ than it was when he assumed office in January 2009.

. . . as economy weakens, debt soars, America loses global influence and border crisis deepens
• President made the claim at a Democratic fundraiser on Martha’s Vineyard
• US labor participation rate is at a 36-year low and America’s debts have grown by $7 trillion since he took office
• Fifty-five per cent of Americans say the US is weaker under Obama, and just one-quarter believe the country is headed in the right direction
• Pols from right and left are ripping into his Middle East policies, with Obama saying criticism of his actions in Syria is horses**t’
• Non-interventionist foreign policy has brought snickers as Obama refuses to protect Ukraine from Putin-led invasion and Iraq pullout backfires

The above is the Daily Mail summary of Obama’s performance. The entire article includes additional explanations and a graph showing total public debt as a percentage of gross domestic product.  Mighty steep on Obama’s watch.

And now as Obama sees it, the problem is Bush the media

This from Gary Bauer at Campaign for Working Families

In a wide-ranging interview with liberal New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, Barack Obama lamented being blocked from fully implementing his left-wing agenda. Among the culprits Obama cited for standing in his way was — I kid you not — the media. Here’s what Obama told Friedman:

“What you’ve seen with our politics, partly because of gerrymandering, partly because of the Balkanization of media so people just watch what reinforces their deepest biases, partly because of big money in politics, is increasingly politicians are rewarded for taking the most extreme, maximalist positions. Sooner or later, that catches up with you. You end up not being able to move forward on things we need to move forward on. … But because of this maximalist ideological position, we’ve been blocked.”

American journalists are overwhelmingly Democrat. They adored Obama. They treated him with kid gloves and helped him defeat Hillary Clinton and John McCain in 2008. Yet his excuse for not completing his “fundamental transformation of America” is the “Balkanization of media.” Translated, this means there are just too many conservative media alternatives like Fox, talk radio and online conservative sites such as Breitbart, RedState, etc.

His second complaint is “big money in politics.” That’s rich! His campaign shattered fundraising records. Today Obama is attending his 401st fundraiser.

The biggest political donors in the country are liberal billionaires Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg. In fact, Forbes notes: “Twenty-six of the top 100 disclosing donors in America are billionaires. Democrats have gotten more money from Steyer and Bloomberg than Republicans have gotten from all 26 billionaires combined.” Keep that in mind the next time the left accuses the GOP of being the party of the “one percent.”

And I could write pages about Obama’s “maximalist ideological position” when it comes to abortion, religious liberty, tax increases, environmental radicalism, etc.

DLH with R Mall

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