Obama’s Strategy to Deal With Monstrous ISIS

You’re what? You’re still collating?!!

alien18Credit Susan Frazer for this apt analogy regarding Obama’s statement that “we don’t have a strategy yet” to deal with ISIS, the monstrous jihadist group intent on establishing a world Islamic caliphate.

Remember the 1979 movie “Aliens” ? The heroine, Ripley played by Sigourney Weaver, lambasts Ash, new to the ship (of state) and responsible for bringing the alien onto the ship by virtue of his doctrinaire “science” ways. Ash’s personality is described in this filmography bio from IMDB.com:

” . . .  he appears to be unconcerned for the welfare of other crew members. Ash allows them to suffer so he can achieve his ambitions. He is calm, and lacking in empathy for the human species.”

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?  Anyway here is the pertinent snippet of dialogue regarding what to do about the alien monster:

Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we’re still collating.
Ripley: [laughing in disbelief] You’re what? You’re still collating? I find that hard to believe.  

And that describes Obama’s response to the question about what he is doing about ISIS, an entity that has been around for many months, and its inspiration for 1500 years or so    . . . he is still collating.

Senator Ted Cruz had a definitive recommendation –  bomb ISIS “back to the Stone Age”

Read more about his remarks at the Defending the American Dream Summit here.

Roger Simon was not as diplomatic. Writing at PJ Media, where he is a former managing editor, had this recommendation:

in the interest of speeding things along, I would like to offer my help with an ISIS strategy.

Yes, I do have a strategy, even though I suspect the president may reject it because, alas, I am an Islamophobe. More precisely, I am an Islamodespicio because I despise Islam far more than I fear it. (It’s the only religion on Earth I feel that way about.) I despise a religion that, other than Comrade Putin, is the source of virtually all the large scale violence in the world and has been for decades. I also despise it for its treatment of women, homosexuals, children (putting machine guns in their hands at the age of seven and teaching them to kill non-believers), for its complete intolerance of other religions and secular systems and for the consistent dishonesty with which it treats the rest of the human race. I despise it in its Shiite and Sunni forms (even though they despise each other), as well as its murderous subsidiaries like Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, al Nusra and on and on.

So I don’t have much question about what to do about ISIS. Obliterate it. Put as few of our people in harm’s way as possible to accomplish that, but if it’s necessary to do so, it’s necessary.

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