The Liberal Media Creating the Narrative & Hiding the Truth

Does Bruce Braley have anything to do with this lawsuit?

A-D-AP-Colorado-amunition-suit-1024x642The Argus -Dispatch prominently set out this anti-gun lawsuit story from the Associated Press yesterday. Only the theme or accusation of the complainants’ is offered. No statement of denial or rebuttal or counter argument is provided the printed edition’s readers.  Maybe the A-D’s news editors thought it so ridiculous in its implications that they put it on the front page to parody  leftist reasoning!  Now we are being ridiculous. Below is the same clip from the full AP wire story that the A-D used on its front page.

Theater shooting victim’s parents sue ammo seller

DENVER (AP) — The parents of a woman killed in the Colorado theater shootings filed a lawsuit Tuesday accusing four online retailers of improperly selling ammunition, tear gas, a high-capacity magazine and body armor used in the attack.
The lawsuit alleges it was illegal and negligent to sell the gear to James Holmes, who is accused of killing 12 people and injuring 70 in the July 20, 2012, attack.
It says the companies had no safeguards to keep dangerous people from buying their goods.
“It was highly foreseeable to (the) defendants that their potential customers included persons with criminal intent, including persons such as James Holmes,” the lawsuit says.
The suit was filed by Sandy and Lonnie Phillips of San Antonio, whose daughter, Jessica Ghawi (GAH’-wee), was among the dead.

For the benefit of  the AD editors we offer some food for thought —  if such legal reasoning were to prevail what would stop a lawsuit against an online (or brick and mortar store)  kitchen knife manufacturer/ retailer or an axe maker, hammer maker, baseball bat maker?  They all make something inherently dangerous in the wrong hands.  How about typewriter / computer / printing press makers whose products might be sold to un-vetted buyers who might use such for nefarious or illegal activities (much more  frequently than guns by the way ). How about newspaper editors who fail to use their printing machinery  responsibly?

The A-D did include the longer more balanced AP story in their on-line edition. That is not an excuse for allowing a one-sided clip on the front page with no continuation elsewhere in the printed pages.

From the “Fox isn’t that much better” file — joint management ownership taking a toll on fair and balanced.

Catch this dilly via RedState Iowa CBS Affiliate Runs Free Ad for Bruce Braley

The transcript does read like a Democrat press release.  The thing is the broadcast clip  referred to is KGAN Cedar Rapids a CBS affiliate. The bias is predictable in that regard. But KGAN has a sister station KFXA, a Fox affiliate.  They share stories and KFXA even rebroadcasts KGAN news, including apparently this story. They are operated by Sinclair Broadcasting, often accused of being a conservative front. Would that it were so.

Another day, another revelation for the media to ignore that would destroy any Republican administration 

Benghazi Bombshell: Clinton State Department Official Reveals Details of Alleged Document Review

“I told her that ‘My name is on TV and I’m on administrative leave, it seems like it’s about me.’ Then she said, ‘You’re not harmed, you’re still getting paid. Don’t watch TV. Take your wife on a cruise. It’s not about you; it’s about Hillary and 2016.”

Who ya gonna believe? Hillary? Obama? (Oh really now). I’ll put my confidence in Sharyl Attkisson. Reason enough would be the extent to which the administration and her former employer, CBS, went to discredit and silence her. Another reason is that dishonesty, coverup, and corruption are the hallmarks of the Obama administration; and, Hillary. Yeah, I’d believe the Clintons.

Just add this one to the “nothing to see here pile,” along with the scrubbed Blackberrys, Lisa Jackson’s illegal email account, etc, etc, etc.

Bombshell Emails: White House Coordinated With Department of Labor To Hide Illegal Obama Fundraiser Hilda Solis’ Schedule

Hey, its only midweek  for scandal accumulation

IRS: Reports that Lois Lerner’s emails were backed up are ‘erroneous’

Its tough to concentrate even if your main occupation is dirty work

Lois Lerner’s Department Complained About Constant ‘Distractions’ During Conservative Targeting

In case you missed this . . . we know . . . big surprise

Email Reveals Lois Lerner Ignored Political Expenditures By Unions

R Mall and DLH

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