And it’s one, two, three, What are we fighting for ?

facepalmSenate Minority Leader McConnell has already signaled, if not promised, that if the GOP reclaims the Senate, he will restore the filibuster rules which were trashed by Harry Reid and have already proven to be incredibly destructive.

I ask, how stupid is that, Mitch?

Reid has permitted Obama to pack the DC Court of Appeals, which ,in turn, has overturned the same Court’s rulings against Obamacare. Reid’s action also assures that however radical and incompetent, and mean-spirited Obama’s appointments to various posts requiring Senate “advise and consent” are, they will be confirmed over any GOP protest.

So, McConnell has virtually promised that he will restore the filibuster rules so that a minority Democrat Senate can block any GOP opposition. This is what conservatives should support so that we win a Senate “majority”?????

Here’s a suggestion Mitch. Hand over the Leadership to somebody who will know how to use it properly for the preservation of America. Can’t do that?

OK. Here’s an idea. Keep the filibuster rules Reid created and let him know you are going to force him and the Dems to live with what they have done. Then, after, say, two years of a GOP president’s term, getting to act under Harry’s rules, you might consider restoring the rules which governed the Senate for a couple of centuries until Harry Reid came along. Maybe by then, some sanity may have returned to the Democrat party and it has sent such bullies like Reid, Pelosi, et al, into a richly undeserved retirement.          DLH

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One Response to And it’s one, two, three, What are we fighting for ?

  1. Designated2 says:

    Democrats achieved their goals brutalizing Senate Republicans. McConnell our Great Weenie Hope, wants to go back in the ring with one arm tied behind his back and play the ropes.

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