The Marxist, The Mendacious, The Mockery

The Marxist:

New York ends cooperation with feds on immigrant deportation. Via Lucianne:

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio signed two laws Friday that cut the city´s cooperation with US federal authorities on the deportation of undocumented immigrants. Blasting federal immigration enforcement as “overbroad,” de Blasio said America´s most populated city would now only cooperate with national authorities when there are concerns over public safety or when immigrants have committed “violent or serious” crimes. “Mass deportation has not only pulled apart thousands of New York City families, it has also undermined public safety in our communities and imposed disproportionate penalties on immigrant parents and spouses who these families depend on for emotional and financial support,”

Simple question: Why isn’t Eric Holder going after NY City for doing its own immigration law/policy as he did Arizona? Recall he was adamant that it is the Federal government who has the preeminent authority to mishandle (er, my mistake) handle immigration law.

The Mendacious

From Kelley Beaucar Vlahos at Fox News — Despite Dem claims, trash-talking Gruber was well-paid adviser for ObamaCare and more:

During the heyday of the ObamaCare push, Jonathan Gruber was whiz-kid-in-chief. His number-crunching on the benefits of the plan was frequently cited by Democrats trying to sell the proposal to the public.
Now, Washington Democrats have a new message: He’s not with us.

After a string of videos have emerged showing Gruber gloating about how the law’s authors exploited Americans’ “stupidity,” the White House has distanced itself. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi even claimed: “I don’t know who he is. He didn’t help write our bill.”

But while Jonathan Gruber might not have been a familiar name until this week for many, Pelosi and the rest of the lawmakers who pushed the law certainly knew who he was in 2009 and 2010.

Listen to the Fox talking head discussion at the same link.  It is focused on the news blackout of the Gruber revelations – in itself a major media lie of omission.  Could you imagine the same treatment by them of the revelation by a Bush Middle East policy “architect” and strategist revealing that they purposefully lied about the justifications?

The Mockery

From American Brad Lyles writing at Canada Free Press — Shutdown Clown

Mitch McConnell is the Shutdown Clown in the Establishment’s growing circus of Clowns—all performing under a “big tent.”

Merely one day after being elected to the Senate, McConnell relentlessly declared, and was dutifully recorded to say, “We’re not going to be shutting down the government or defaulting on the national debt.” McConnell spoke these exact words in his very first news conference. The Leftists in the room recognized what was really occurring.

 . . . When McConnell reiterated his hilarious dedication to unilateral surrender, “let me be perfectly clear…” the Leftists were hard-pressed to contain either their laughter or scorn . . .

What data support McConnell’s unilateral disarmament? What data support McConnell’s castration of an entire political Party? On Day One? How is it that McConnell and Company (cronies, corporatists) seem dedicated to political suicide and rhetorical catastrophe? How is it that McConnell speaks from what appear to be the Left’s own talking points, couching his statements within the model of the opposition?

For example, how is it that McConnell’s top aides could allow him to say things like “we” won’t shut down the government? Why does McConnell play right into the polemical hands of the Left—and reliably? Seriously, how can his handlers allow this? How inane must these people be?



Read the entire Lyles post.  the Republican leadership-elect really are beginning be a huge joke . . . making the DEM nut cases like Nancy, Harry, Joe, and our Dear Leader look almost serious.        DLH

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