The Hillary Defense Coming to Missouri ?

This report and commentary just might be a bit ap0cryphal . . .

St. Louis Police Chief, Sam Dotson wasted no time in getting the “news” out that there was”no racial motive” in the fatal hammer attack by four teens of color on a (white) Bosnian immigrant.

Chief Dotson was visibly annoyed when a reporter questioned how that conclusion was reached so early in the investigation. His response: “What difference at this point does it make? A group of youths out for a walk one night and they decide to kill some Bosnians.”

Seriously, who’d a thought the first thing that would occur to anybody would be that the attack was because the victim was a “Bosnian immigrant”??? Gee, how did the “yoots” even know?

The attorney for the alleged killers says that the whole thing has been blown out of proportion. “These youngsters were just coming home from a long day working as volunteers on building homes for Habitat for Humanity. They were just walking down the street whistling show tunes and singing some of their favorite Peter, Paul, and Mary numbers (“If I had a hammer…”). Then this guy drives by and hurls racial slurs like, “you know which end of those hammers to use?”

The attorney added that he understands that the victim’s father was a carpenter and lost his job when government racial quotas were imposed on the trade unions. He has long held deep-seated resentment.

How’s that for an affirmative defense? New slogan for the “social justice” movement: “Hands up, Don’t shoot, ‘If I had a hammer, I’d hammer in the mo-o-rning…” Or…recalls an old Chinese (?) proverb: “When a hammer is the only tool in your kit, every Bosnian looks like a nail.”

Everyone is missing the big  story here. Veritas will lead the way in calling for stricter hammer controls. We’ve got to keep these deadly weapons out of the hands of non-union carpenters!     DLH*

* Note to readers — There are some people who have embraced narratives so provably ridiculous that one can only respond with ridicule. It doesn’t diminish the grief we share with the family of the innocent victim.  Our fervent hope is that justice will be done rather than the travesties we’ve tried to highlight with grim humor.

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