On the other hand . . .

  • Maybe some thugs are just righteous
  • Pastry puff hypocrisy

Doesn’t rate an Amber alert . . . but

Lawyer bewildered as to why he was beaten unconscious
but not robbed of Rolex, cash 

A lot of detail presented in the story:

“…Rolex, cell phone, hundreds in cash…”

“…in addition to broken bones, lower lip cut open, six teeth were broken…”

“…will be on a liquid diet for at least two months…”

“… crossed over Canal Street … said he noticed a group of possibly three men walk past him on the other side of the street… doesn’t remember what they looked like, other than one appeared to be in his 20s… remembers hearing one of the men mumble something, but doesn’t know what it was.”

Is it just me, or doesn’t it seem odd that The Times-Picayune report gives no physical description which might indicate race? The victim noted that one of those “three men appeared to be in his 20’s”. Funny he noticed the person’s age but apparently didn’t notice any other more obvious and significant physical characteristics, or maybe he did and the T-P does not find it politically correct to say so.*

While not wishing any personal harm we note the full article mentions the victim is a trial lawyer. We did a search and confirmed that the victim’s practice appears to be primarily related to personal injury for the complainant. Ironies and opportunities for cheap shots  at lawyers’ expense abound. So of course here we go:

Wow, talk about an ambulance chaser, this guy is ambitious.

Nobody told him it wasn’t required that he be the victim.

Finally,  a Merry Christmas story.

The “victims” own law firm plans to sue him on behalf of the thugs — he violated their civil rights and caused personal injury to their fists by placing his face in their way.

Feel free to add your own.     DLH


GOPUSA posted an article which referred us to this expose’ by Theodore Shoebat at Shoebat.com

Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake, And Is Denied Service By All Of Them (includes video)

So Shoebat.com decided to call some 13 prominent pro-gay bakers in a row. Each one denied us the right to have “Gay Marriage Is Wrong” on a cake and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us. One baker even said all sorts of profanities against Christians and ended the conversation by saying that she will make me a cookie with a large phallus on it.

What else can you say about rank hypocrisy?  It is conceivable that some in the baker’s dozen might agree that a Christian baker has rights not to involve themselves in something objectionable, public business or not,  but then where is the liberal commentariat on this dead to rights matter?            R Mall

* Some of the comments to the Times-Picayune story included observations that the T-P as a rule does not mention race but that other news reports said the assailants were black. There were many pithy comments attached to the article, presumably from locals, about crime in that area and recent agitation about alleged racial profiling by white police.

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One Response to On the other hand . . .

  1. Gus says:

    Sounds to me like the “Christian” man has a strong case. Oops! My bad…there’s nothing illegal about discrimination against Christians, especially not by righteous gays.

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