NYC Officers Assassinated & President “Barack Django”, unchained

London Daily Mail: “Father-of-six Eric Garner was killed by NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo, who arrested him for selling loose cigarettes on the street, then held him in a fatal chokehold.” *

President “Barack Django”, our “unchained” chief executive (no longer facing an election; “free at last, thank G-d almighty”) immediately after reports in the media like the above, dispatched his close advisor, his widely acclaimed “go-to guy” on racial issues to New York and various other locations around America where the Reverend Al Sharpton could have the greatest impact.

“Impact”, in this instance should not be interpreted as a positive term. The Reverend Sharpton doesn’t do “positive”, and he never has. He does hate. He does divisive. This would be our president attempting to further divide Americans and heighten racial tensions in this country. It is something “Django” Obama and his racist sidekick, Eric Holder, have been doing since even before the election of our first “black President”.

Yesterday, the unsurprising culmination of Obama’s willful attack on America’s values and exceptionalism, once admired throughout the world, was realized.

It’s been just a week after the “Reverend” went to New York and organized a protest against the police of New York and of America. That protest march included chants by some of the protesters…”What do we want?…Dead Cops!…When do we want them?…NOW!” It was a march supported and encouraged by William “the Red” Di Blasio, New York’s communist mayor. Two police lieutenants were assaulted by members of that march, one of the attackers, a “professor” at City University of New York. The mayor, the Reverend, the Attorney General of the United States of America, “Django”, himself, said nothing.

And yesterday, Saturday, December 20, 2014, America got a good look at what they bought when they voted for a “fundamental transformation of America”.

Two NY City cops were assassinated on the streets of a section of the city they were sent to to protect its residents from the rampant violence which occurs there very day.

President Obama’s hand-picked closest advisor on race relations , for the past month, has roamed the country promoting protests which in many instances resulted in widespread vandalism and violence…based largely, if not entirely on a false narrative (“hands up, don’t shoot” didn’t happen) created for the specific purpose. (Even the report leading this commentary is misleading…there was no “chokehold”… if not entirely false.)

Obama’s admonition to Sharpton and leaders of protests, in a meeting a couple of weeks ago in the Oval Office, to “keep doing what you’re doing” is nothing more than the President of the United States urging his supporters to “yell fire in a crowded theater”!…and that’s not protected by the First Amendment!

Saturday, that “crowded theater” erupted. And, likely, there’s more to come…none of it good.         DLH

* The quote is from this London Daily Mail  article and can be found about half -way into the text. The “chokehold” statement is disputed and inflammatory. The “legacy” and liberal press treatment of the death is nearly uniform in referring to the Eric Garner’s death as the result of a “chokehold” or “choke hold” rarely if ever in quotes in the original. Further explanation here.

Still more related reading at  Bernard Kerik: De Blasio, Sharpton ‘Have Blood on Their Hands’ 

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One Response to NYC Officers Assassinated & President “Barack Django”, unchained

  1. Gus says:

    Here’s a partial answer. Apparently Mangold hasn’t been suspended…yet. Maybe things are looking up…maybe.
    From IJReview: “Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen a lot of pro athletes, for better or for worse, in the news for wearing politically expressive attire. On Sunday, a New York Jets player continued the trend – but with a different message.
    As his team took the field to face their rivals from New England, center Nick Mangold replaced his helmet with this NYPD baseball cap….”

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