Michelle Malkin – Jeb Bush Chamber of Commerce Waterboy

Hard to beat Michelle Malkin for pithiness. Writing at TownHall                                Jeb Bush: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Waterboy 

Jeb’s indulgent (and ultimately doomed) enterprise has three privileged constituencies: Big Business, Big Government and Big Media. This iron triumvirate explains how the failed campaigns of so-called “pragmatic,” “thoughtful” and “moooooderate” liberal Republican candidates such as John McCain, Jon Huntsman and Bob Dole ever got off the ground. The “Reasonable Republican,” anointed and enabled by the statist Big Three, serves as a useful tool for bashing conservatives and marginalizing conservatism . . .

For Republicans who argue that Jeb is the most “electable” choice, I ask: What planet are you on? After two disastrous terms of Barack Obama’s Hope and Change Theater, the last thing the Republican Party needs is an establishment poster child for Washington business as usual. I mean, really? A third Bush who’s been working for his dad, his dad’s friends or the government since 1980? . . .

Jeb Bush’s agenda is neither left nor right. His agenda is the agenda of the D.C. headquarters of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Remember: The chamber is a politically entrenched synod of bipartisan special interests. As I’ve said before, these fat cats do not represent the best interests of American entrepreneurs, American workers, American parents and students or Americans of any race, class or age who believe in low taxes and limited government.

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