The Party of “Hands Up” . . . “Don’t Vote”

The Republican Party will never again win the presidency if Mitch McConnell and John Boehner continue in the party’s leadership and carry out the orders of the US Chamber of Commerce and its big donors.  Republicans can’t enjoy the benefit of being the alternative party if they are not trusted as being the alternative party.

Breitbart’s Tony Lee reports:

Mitch McConnell: Being Party of Yes More Important than Defunding Exec Amnesty

Yep. Good old Mitch. Being a party of abject capitulation is more important than stopping Obama’s illegal amnesty executive action…more important than taking any meaningful action to keep Obamacare from destroying the US healthcare system…more important than making Harry Reid live with the consequences of his “nuclear filibuster option”.
In fact, each of those are less important than “crushing” the tea party and daring conservatives to do something about it.

Reading the New York Times interview that the Tony Lee-Breibart article is based on, one might work overtime to interpret McConnell as just being cagy about his intentions on the filibuster option.

Attendees at a recent private Republican meeting said that Senator John McCain of Arizona was emphatic that Republicans should open the year by overturning the change. But Mr. McConnell does not seem inclined to push ahead, despite earlier indications from him that Republicans should do so.

From his perspective, the quickest way to overturn it would be through the parliamentary tactic that Democrats employed, but Mr. McConnell said that would be repeating the same abuse of the rules. He suggested instead that the Rules Committee would explore what to do and see if there were 67 votes — the usual requirement for a rules change — for restoring the threshold.

So assuming McConnell allows that approach, are not he and McCain obligated by previous statements to support the rule change and thus hold Democrats harmless for their unmitigated bullying under Reid, thus giving them veto power over processes  Republicans need to restore that was taken from the American people under Reid’s rules?

How many Senate Republicans will join McConnell and McCain?

Given Republican Senate performance earlier this month regarding CRomnibus and cutting off funds for Obama’s executive amnesty one might find 19 to 22 not inclined to concede to McConnell’s wishes. Add in a few more newly minted Senators from the November elections and the reliable conservative complement might be, at a stretch, half of the Republican caucus of 54, or 27.  So, of the other 27 Republicans, will 19 or more join with McConnell and McCain and the predictable 46 Democrats to reach the 67 for the rule change McCain and McConnell say they want? This assumes McConnell allows for the most cumbersome methodology to restore the rule and does not employ his own parliamentary manipulations.

In our view McConnell appears to care little about Republican chances to change the things Democrats showed no quarter on and bullied through. His attitude invites party dysfunction leading to a rank and file split from the Republican Party.  McConnell is covering for Wall Street, at the expense of the American people, the Constitution and the Republican Party.

Think McConnell wants all that the Republican rank and file wants?

One wonders how McConnell intends to pass the conservative agenda he sometimes gives lip service to. Negotiate like the Democrats did? How does he propose to restore key Constitutional balances and prevent cultural corruptions – the takeover of health care and other legislation passed with only Democrat votes? Instead of checking Obama, McConnell is willing to give 40 Senate Democrats veto power over processes necessary to stop Obama. Ironically, doing so makes it easier to associate “government inaction” with Republican led Senate, something he says he wants to avoid.

In the now ending Congress, the House could not get a vote on legislation in the Senate led by Reid. And Republican leadership including McConnell are always fearful that they are blamed for not getting bills to Obama’s desk. Now McConnell wants to extend elements of the potential Senate logjam by giving Senate Democrats powers denied Republicans. Doing so he provides for his greatest fear — the portrayal of Republican Senate as the recalcitrant entity instead of Obama.

Given McConnell’s (and McCain’s) willingness to give Democrats power that Republicans did not have under Reid, one can conclude they do not have a serious intention of stopping Obama.  Constitutional and cultural collapse can proceed as far as they are concerned through appointments and feckless effort to deny funds for unconstitutional efforts by those appointees doing the Obamanation’ bidding.

Think McConnell has a vibrant effective Republican Party at heart? 

McConnell is the guy who parroted Democrats accusations about Republicans “shutting down government.”  And McConnell is the same guy who made these wonderful party building rejoinders.

Leading Republicans Move to Stamp Out Challenges From Right

Mitch McConnell Is Vowing To ‘Crush’ The Tea Party Everywhere,

Remember who the phony party builder is.

DLH and R Mall

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