Defending Western Civilization

The article we refer you to by Carol Brown, writing in American Thinker, is actually  more limited than our title line. She merely asks What is America’s Survival Plan?  Our view is that we think of America as the last great hope for Western Civilization.

The article is disturbing but very on point. It contains many exhortations as to what the author insists must be done. The prospect of this nation doing even some of what the writer urges is not encouraging if not nil.  And that is the tragedy.

The appropriateness or implications of some are debatable and there may well be sufficiency in some and alternatives. But for the flavor of our disposition and perhaps the simplest way to summarize it is to recall just what happened when Michele Bachmann and 3 or 4 of her congressional colleagues attempted to raise an obvious issue. This was when she called attention to Huma Abedin Weiner’s extensive background with and ties to  the Muslim Brotherhood; the failure of those facts to even be vetted for national security, and her role as our Secretary of State’s (Hillary) closest adviser.

Bachmann was universally criticized and ridiculed for raising the issue by both political parties and liberal and conservative media. Just given that background how can the future dominance of Islam even be disputed? Here is a sample of the backlash Bachmann received!

Besides reading Brown’s article here are list of links gleaned from the text that seek to expose the threat of Islamic Jihad.  Established links in our blog roll have much to say as well. As with all our links use due diligence.




We are sure that many other Websites focused on the threat of radical Islam exist and we would appreciate recommendations.

DLH with R Mall

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