I’ll bet she’s wild about the crease in Obama’s slacks, too

Jennifer Rubin not only apparently aspired to be the “David Brooks” of the Washington Post, but she has, in fact, become that. We find it more than a little irritating the way liberal media like to find a Republican establishment favorite, or a “closet Progressive”, like Rubin, Brooks, Kathleen Parker, et all and bill them as a “conservative”, representing the views of the Responsible Right!

In her post today Ms Rubin refers to Steve King as “an anti-immigrant gadfly”??? Really??  And Ms Rubin’s authority and responsibility on the issue comes from where?  Steve King who represents the most Republican district in Iowa is operating in support of Republican Party platforms to control the border and not reward illegal immigration. He does so with a mandate and responsibly.  Ms Rubin should take the time to actually listen to his views and commentaries instead of snippets.

The sedate never roisterous Ms. Rubin asks,  “Will there be other opportunities to meet with Iowa conservatives without King’s noxious presence? Of course.”

Careful how you throw that term “noxious” around, Jenny. It’s a quite appropriate term for the newspaper you write for. It also applies to many of your views.


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