Veritas Salad

Ah, why’d they have to ruin it . . .

For awhile there I thought I liked the police unions. But then, they are unions. Heck, get ol’ Bubba involved and ISIS will go away.

NYPD union leaders: Only Clinton can fix rift with de Blasio

Victor Davis Hanson a.k.a. “the Carpenter”  nails it, again

We only wish that the Republican Party establishment could  even authentically recommend this article, as a critique of the Democrat establishment, with a straight face. Instead they “haplessly” continue to fund much of the Democrat nonsense, and appear as Democrat-lite themselves.

The Party of Snobbish Elites: A gentrified cocoon of progressive privilege has cost Democrats the middle class.


. . . Their out-of-touch privilege, however, led to agendas — radical green politics, hyper-feminism, transgender advocacy, forced multiculturalism, open borders — that were not principle concerns of the struggling working classes . . .

In the short term, liberal elites had little clue how the ramifications of their own unworkable ideology always fell on distant others. Before one can damn fracking, guns, traditional religion, and tract suburbia, one has to have a high income that allows for expensive energy, exorbitant college tuition, and $500-a-square-foot housing. Obamacare, with its higher average deductibles and premiums, is far more of a burden than a bargain for the working class . . .

Democrats’ problem is that the working classes are large and know that they no longer fit into what liberalism has become.

Kudos to King, Gohmert, et al . . . apologies to Tennyson

Storm’d at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well, . . .

Honour the change they tried!
Honour the promises not denied,
   Noble two dozen!

Steve King via Newsmax: ‘Myriad of Reasons’ Conservatives Opposed Boehner

“We’ve watched as we had a wave election in 2010 and 87 new Republicans were elected, and every one of them ran on the full repeal of Obamacare. We didn’t do what we said we were going to do.

“We had a chance to cut off the funding and block the implementation and the enforcement of Obamacare. That got blocked by actions of the speaker. The executive amnesty was built on the DACA program.

“Time after time, when we’ve had the obligations to defend often our constitutional principles, and when Obama violated the constitution … we hardly had a peep out of leadership.”

About Louis Gohmert, via The Hill:  Louie Gohmert’s profile in courage and self-sacrifice

Graham and McCain will lead the confirmation . . .

Just another opportunity to show they (GOP) are not serious about anything. I’m sure they’ll find a dozen reasons why confirming Loretta Lynch to replace Eric Holder is the smart thing to do in order to spring their clever trap LATER!!!!

From Paul Mirengoff at Powerline:

. . . Lindsey Graham, true to his role as the Arlen Specter of the South, has already expressed his predisposition to vote for confirming Lynch. More surprisingly, perhaps, so too has Marco Rubio.

I have two questions for Senator Rubio. First, would he vote for Lynch if he believed that she will be essentially indistinguishable from Eric Holder as Attorney General? Second, if not, what is his basis for believing that Lynch will be different from Holder?

The evidence strongly suggests that there is no meaningful distinction between Lynch and Holder. I summarized it here and here.

Just jaw dropping —

Jonah Goldberg identifies the dumbest 57 seconds ever (nevertheless, to be supplanted by a liberal journalist soon)

MSNBC talking heads (however brainless ) comparing the Paris murders to the “extremism” of Jerry Falwell filing a lawsuit.

DLH with R Mall

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