Congressman, Are You Kidding Me!?

One might have used Speaker Boehner’s trademark phrase but here is what I wrote in response to Congressman Yoder’s response to my communication urging him to vote for a conservative alternative to Speaker Boehner. Congressman Gohmert covered the Pelosi scare succinctly, which can be found here.  First the form letter from Congressman Yoder :

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Appreciate your prompt response to my note urging you to NOT support Mr. Boehner for Speaker.

I did, however, find your reply to be quite disingenuous in suggesting that failure to elect Boehner made Ms. Pelosi’s election inevitable.

Sorry, but my modest understanding of the process does not allow me to buy this assertion.

I will reiterate my deep disappointment in your performance since winning reelection. I believe great damage was done in passing the CRomnibus bill, in effect, abdicating the GOP caucus’s “power of the purse” and, while I’m sure you would argue otherwise making any effective action to halt President Obama’S EXECUTIVE ACTION ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION  AMNESTY IMPOSSIBLE.

I will repeat: the Republican party has lost my support  and I believe I reflect the views of many other conservatives who helped return you to office, you and your GOP colleagues will have to deliver on the promises you made to gain our support in 2014 if you are to regain it in 2016.

Respectfully, a constituent, but not a likely “Yoder voter”.  Donald L. Holmes


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One Response to Congressman, Are You Kidding Me!?

  1. Roy Munson says:

    LoL! That letter cracked me up. I loved the list of crap he rattled off just to fill the letter that wouldn’t even get a yay vote from half of the House Republicans. Fair Tax, eliminating lifelong pensions for Congress and cutting their salaries….Michael Moore has a better chance of running a 15 minute mile than that happening.

    It does sound like the Congressman did us a great service in voting for Boehner to protect us from Pelosi again though. But on second thought, why not just let Pelosi have the oversized gavel back? Think about, people hate Boehner but they reallllly hate Pelosi. Could have been a great political move.

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