Is the GOP the laughing stock of the Galaxy?

GOPsurrendercaucusLeading up to the mid-term election, didn’t Mitch McConnell tell us that Congress was helpless to stop Obama’s takeover of the federal government. The only way, Mitch assured us to stop the president’s defiance of the law and the US Constitution, was to get to the polls…tea party and other conservatives swallow their pride, and vote to make him Majority Leader of the Senate.

Maybe I missed it, but I don’t recall Mitch warning us that, actually, the GOP caucus, even with majorities in both Houses may not be able to stop Obama…but, at least we can issue stern warnings each time he bypasses the legislative body and does some more unconstitutional and/or illegal executive action.

No sir, all I seem to remember is Mitch warning conservatives that we must unite with the GOP establishment to restore good order in the Congress and “get things done”. But, he did tell us also that, in addition to stopping Obama, he would also “crush” the pesky Tea Party.

One thing about Mitch McConnell. When he makes promises, he aims to keep half of ’em.

So here we are. The GOP was handed a landslide victory. By Obama’s own admission, his policies were resoundingly repudiated by the voters. The “folks” handed the Republicans a larger than expected majority in the Senate, extended a large majority in the House. And made good ol’ Mitch …the guy who promised to save us from President Obama’s lawlessness and Harry Reid’s nasty gutter snipe dictatorship of the US Senate.

For more than two months since that election, foremost on the minds of the American citizenship was Obama’s wildly unconstitutional executive action blowing away the last remnants of once legally enacted US immigration law.

Mitch and John, the devious, undependable Speaker of the House, talked about how awful Obama’s action was and how they just would not allow it to stand.

They assured us that passing the despicable CRomnibus bill was really a strategic coup. By not “shutting down the government” and giving the Democrats all the spending they wanted in the next fiscal year, they would thwart Obama’s executive overreach on immigration by exercising their almighty “power of the purse”!

However, today we learn, as Drudge reports, our GOP led Congress really won’t be able to quite get that done.

To everyone’s surprise, Mitch’s and John’s ingenious strategy to pass legislation which would not fund those areas of The Dept. of Homeland Security which would administer Obama’s executive action.

Seems that, IF that bill, which has been passed in the House, were to somehow pass the Senate (Mitch says it’s very unlikely that it will), Obama will veto it!

And, if that happens the Secretary of Homeland Security, the bumbling Jeh Johnson, says he’d have no choice but to shut down the whole operation…this in a time of frightening terrorist threats.

Who could’a seen that coming?

Well sir, if you think the GOP would allow that to happen, you’re crazier than a far right, right-to-life, gun-loving, religious freedom advocate, nutcase!

But, Mitch, you’ve had months to plan a strategy to deliver on your promise to stop this illegal presidential action. Two guys from Mars stopped by the other day and asked me what your next move will be when Obama threatens to shut down Homeland Security. I said, ” How’d you know about that? You just got here from your home planet.”

They said, ” Hell, the whole galaxy’s been talking about it for weeks. We were going to ask you to take us to your leader…but looks like you don’t have one.”


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One Response to Is the GOP the laughing stock of the Galaxy?

  1. phil silverman says:

    how iz Obama trying to take over? using exec. order half as much as W.? getting us the h*ll out of the War for Cheney? come on, give us *something*, Birchers!


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