Be assured, Benghazi not forgotten

Admittedly, this is not as big or important a story as the NFL’s “deflated footballs” scandal, but it nevertheless deserves at least passing interest of most Americans.

Seriously, what is laid out in this story by Frank Miele, of the Daily InterLake News *   —  Here’s why I haven’t forgotten Benghazi  — should be at the top of every “real” journalist’s investigative to-do list. (That, of course, assumes that there are still more than just a handful of serious journalists (like Sharyl Attkisson, the bloggers at sites like Powerline, the Tree House, etc, and Miele himself) left in America.

A lot of us are not conspiracy enthusiasts and many of us are skeptics, possibly in the extreme. But, when a serious objective analysis of known, even undisputed, facts indicates that the story line the general public is being given doesn’t seem to add up, there is good cause to seek out , with vigor and aggressiveness as many more facts as possible.

This story provides more than enough known facts and true information to add up to perhaps the most troubling questions and genuinely frightening possibilities, possibly in the entire history of this nation.

For example: There have been many numerous questions raised about the events leading up to , during, and following the murderous terrorist attack in Benghazi in September of 2012. In many instances, the answers provided to these questions range from inadequate, to contradictory, to outright lies. What has passed for a “thorough” investigation of this tragic episode has tended to intensify the skepticism.

As with everything on the national scene these days, however, every serious issue immediately descends into partisan political bickering and theater and, with an administration like we have, led by Barack Obama, stonewalling, delay, deception, aided by media bias, any honest search for truth ends up eventually just disappearing from the public eye.

Recall how elated many of us on the right were when, at long last, after the frustrating, infuriating attempts by both Democrats and a number of Republicans to put the matter to bed with no real final true reporting and analysis, a House Select Committee was named to thoroughly investigate the entire Benghazi affair.

Washington Post Photo - What's going on here?

Washington Post Photo – What’s going on here?

We were wildly encouraged further by the fact that Trey Gowdy was named to head that committee. Congressman Gowdy has been admired by conservatives and some in the media for his aggressive and expert performances in hearings looking into a wide variety of administration scandals and wrongdoing.

It’s been 9 months since the announcement of that committee. Although Congressman Gowdy continues to issue occasional statements that the committee is working hard on the case or that big things are going to be revealed eventually, nothing has happened. In fact, more was being revealed before his committee was formed than it is now.

How come?

Read the Miele story and you’ll get a clue…and you won’t feel good about it. If you thought the much admired Trey Gowdy was an example of some of the “good guys”, the “incorruptible Elliot Nesses” on Capitol Hill, you might come away from this story with some serious doubts…and maybe deeply discouraged and fearful.


*Frank Miele is the managing editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Montana, the hometown newspaper of retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely.

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2 Responses to Be assured, Benghazi not forgotten

  1. phil silverman says:

    isn’t that cute? even after the GOP (!) exonerates Obama and Clinton and U guys keep going..obviously it’s very important for U to show Obama and Clinton ordered a standdown. but they did not. keep fishin’! for nothing. 🙂

  2. phil silverman says:

    forgotten by the GOP, yes, in their report. but why is it so important to “prove” that Obama and Clinton orchestrated the massacre? 🙂

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