Al Gore – Check Your Vestments

There is a new environmental sheriff in town


same religion, but It seems there is an authentic climate Pope about

The “Humble” Pope Francis is becoming pretty scary. He is in hearty agreement with many ideas embraced by the “other Pope” the world has been blessed with for the past 6 plus years, “His Holiness”, Barack Obama. Besides dismissing the significant segment of the Catholic community concerned with such traditional issues of abortion, infanticide, and  gay marriage as unnecessarily “obsessive”, the “Humble One”, has endorsed and promoted Obama’s Marxist ideas on wealth redistribution and condemnation of capitalism (or at least their characterization of it as “unfettered”). And, now, this Pope will , in effect, be urging his flock to endorse destructive Obama policies on “climate change” which will effectively seriously cripple the US economy while further consigning the poorest nations of the world to continued and worsening grinding poverty.

Pray that Pope Francis’ “Boss” will enlighten him on the realities of Mr. Obama’s concept of the State’s dominance over Man.

Charles Battig, M.D.  writing at American Thinker

No Separation between Church and State on Climate Change

The parallels to Pope Francis’ expressed ideas on environment and climate change are notable.  . . . He is taking sides in the arena of scientific debate by making dogmatic statements on a topic of controversy without matching validated scientific evidence. For example: “On climate change, there is a clear, definitive and ineluctable ethical imperative to act… The establishment of an international climate change treaty is a grave ethical and moral responsibility.” (Pope’s Message to UN Convention on Climate Change December 11, 2014.) . . .

The vigor with which both the Church and the EPA have linked their common belief and dogmatic position that mankind is the prime driver of climate change should concern those staunch defenders of the doctrine of “separation of church and state.” Challengers to either authority ought have Voltaire’s admonition in mind.

Reading into the links provided in Battig’s article we also found this Pope Francis quote on a page devoted to favorably presenting the Pope’s environmental pronouncements.  We are astounded.

I don’t know if it is all (man’s fault) but the majority is, for the most part, it is man who continuously slaps down nature … We have, in a sense, lorded it over nature, over Sister Earth, over Mother Earth … I think man has gone too far … Thank God that today there are voices that are speaking out about this.

So the Pope knows for sure that his presumption of climate change / global warming is “majority” due to man.  He has read the science and he understands it and can refute  scientists who challenge both the presumption and or the blame he imposes.








Now acknowledged by the more sober but still agenda driven scientists (notable exception being Pope Francis) is that there has not been any global warming for two decades. Indeed any statistical increases, including the ballyhooed recent “record” are statistically insignificant and well within the margin of error to the extent that the vagaries of the data could indicate cooling for the year. Many articles substantiating our assertion are available at Wattsupwiththat  the most viewed site on global warming and climate change. Would that Pope Francis would at least skim it.

Michael Fomento wrote  a year ago in this NY Post article  regarding what the chicken- little environmentalist  gaggle refer to as the global warming “pause”.

The single most damning aspect of the “pause” is that, because it has occurred when “greenhouse gases” have been pouring into the atmosphere at record levels, it shows at the very least that something natural is at play here. The warmists suggest that natural factors have “suppressed” the warming temporarily, but that’s just a guess: The fact is, they have nothing like the understanding of the climate that they claimed (and their many models that all showed future warming mean nothing, since they all used essentially the same false information).

If Ma Nature caused the “pause,” can’t this same lady be responsible for the warming observed earlier? You bet! Fact is, the earth was cooling and warming long before so-called GHGs could have been a factor. A warm spell ushered in the Viking Age, and many scientists believe recent warming was merely a recovery from what’s called “the Little Ice Age” that began around 1300.

We hope (and dare we say, pray) that Pope Francis will come to realize that energy production is necessary to better man’s environment and that abundant energy is crucial to increasing all of man’s welfare, that fossil fuels are generally good for mankind and CO2 by the way is plant food.


Graphic courtesy NetRightDaily


DLH and R Mall

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