A Horse’s Ass Talks About A High Horse

Victor Davis Hanson effectively demolished the historical references of President Obama’s silly remarks at the recent National Prayer Breakfast. From his overwhelming intellectual advantage over Mr. Obama and his far superior knowledge of history, Dr. Hanson underscores the goofiness of the president’s “admonition” to the Breakfast’s attendees.

It was useful to do so and there are probably many who think that it will cause Obama to be a bit more humble when he decides to put his historical and theological prowess on display. I don’t think so.

But I believe the President’s arrogant, insulting, and embarrassing performance may be a chilling indication that the mask may be slipping and the American people and the world might soon see what has been hidden from view for the past 6 years plus. But if that awareness does not come soon, it may not matter.

courtesy NetRightDaily

courtesy NetRightDaily

The term “high horse” in its use in the discourse of “ordinary”  people suggests that those it is directed at believe they are superior in conduct or attitude or moral standing to others. I think it is fair to say it is an insulting accusatory term…all the worse if it offered without foundation.

Obama’s use of it in the context of his remarks to the Prayer Breakfast’s attendees seems to me to say, “Get off your ‘high horse’! You Christians and Jews (and other non-believers) have no right to criticize Islam. Sure, their actions are brutal and perhaps uncivilized by today’s standards, but your religions have committed atrocities just as terrible. You don’t like payback?”

To me, my reading of the tone and terms of his remarks sounds like one who is not just “offended”, but enraged that HIS religion is being criticized and insulted by inferiors who have committed similar acts against HIS people.

But what is his religion? We’ll get to that later.

I believe Mr. Obama is revealing himself http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/sep/11/obama-my-muslim-faith/?page=all on an almost daily basis: perhaps it may not be the smart thing to do but I don’t think he can help himself anymore. Obama really does see himself as “unleashed”…”unchained”, if you will. With no more having to face the voters it is no longer necessary to pander to their desires. He is no longer accountable to the American people or to anyone, other than his multi-billionaire handlers. It is no longer necessary to hide who he is…not that he has not given many clear hints of that over the past 8 years.

th-9We now see lie after lie of Obama’s being exposed. Even his dear friend, David Axelrod, in his soon-to-be released book, discloses that Obama’s “opposition to gay marriage” was just a pose to avoid offending black voters before the election. That is just one of Obama’s less serious and more transparent lies.

We’ve heard him declare that “the future does not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”. Not many Americans who have professed their devotion to “Christianity” speak in such reverential terms, even if they were exposed to Islam in their childhood. Further, he seems to be suggesting to whom “the future does belong”…that is, those who revere “the Prophet…”.

We’ve seen him declare that Islam is “woven into the fabric of America”: In a speech at the White House annual “iftar” dinner, celebrating the end of the Ramadan, Islam’s period of fasting, he had to stretch for examples but he did regale his audience with the “accomplishments” of Muslims in America. Like who can forget “Nashala Hearn, who won the right to wear a hijab in school”? Or, what would America be like if “Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir (did not hold) the record for the most points scored by a high school basketball player in Massachusetts”?.

And then there is NASA. Obama has directed his appointment to head the space agency to repurpose its mission:  NASA Administrator Charles Bolden says: “…(Obama) wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering…” !??!!! (One can’t help but wonder if those contributions rival, in scope and value, the achievements of the aforementioned Nashala Hearn and Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir.)

Recall Obama describes the Muslim call to prayer the “prettiest sound in the world at sunset” http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/06/opinion/06kristof.html?_r=0.

And, of course there is the now legendary refusal of Obama and his minions to even utter the identity of the greatest menace threatening the world today, Islamist terrorism.

Many scoffed at the notion that Obama’s real birth certificate may reveal something abhorrent to the American public. Obama’s aggressive efforts to keep it from exposure were widely dismissed. Some claimed that demands to make public his birth certificate were motivated by racism (no such demand had ever been made to a white presidential candidate). The questions surrounding the extraordinary effort and expense to keep this document from public exposure were usually concerned with Mr. Obama’s status as a US citizen, eligible to occupy the presidency. Even though there were legitimate bases for such questions, Obama’s well-heeled supporters and the media successfully turned such challenges into a joke and suppressed any serious attempt to resolve the issue. Sadly, the real question was thus never seriously  raised. That was, “What on earth was the big deal? Why was Obama and his supporters willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars ($2 million by some estimates)  on legal efforts to block a birth certificate being made public?”

When the matter was eventually “resolved”, the “birth certificate” was made available to the public only online and thus inaccessible to serious forensic analysis to verify its validity. Only a selected member of the sympathetic media was allowed to view the “original” document. And that was someone with no particular expertise to verify its legitimacy!

Thus those questions ,”Why on earth?..” remain unanswered.

Perhaps the answer may lie elsewhere: What if Obama’s secret had nothing to do with whether or not he is a US citizen? Maybe there is something else…perhaps more damaging to him and more ominous for America.

Or, at least he and his handlers may think so.

After his 8 years on the national stage, there is much that is not known about Barack Obama. Perhaps this explains the lengths to which he went to block all attempts to get public access not just to his birth certificate.

There is also his college records. Doesn’t it seem weird that even those have been withheld? The most minute details of the academic records of George Bush, Kerry, Gore were widely reported by the “vigilant” media. Rick Perry got some ridicule for the “C” he got in political science at Texas A&M.

Up to this point, we seem to be suggesting that maybe what Mr. Obama has so aggressively sought to keep secret is his religion. Is he really a “closet” Muslim?

That we do not know. What we do know though, with respect to Obama’s religion is that it is of a kind that preaches that America is an evil nation, that calls upon God to “damn America”, in the words of Mr. Obama’s “spiritual inspiration” of 20 years.

In the final analysis, it seems not to matter his religious beliefs. It is clear, however, that our president sees Christianity and Judaism, and other non-Muslim faiths, along with the United States of America as entities no better than the worst of the long ago past and the evils of the present.

And this is a man this great nation elected twice.

To Mr. Obama and to his spiritual mentor, I say, God bless America! May this nation survive even his hate-filled rule.                 DLH

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2 Responses to A Horse’s Ass Talks About A High Horse

  1. Bonnie says:

    It is even more chilling to realize that people elected this man TWICE ! With a good PR person , a ‘community organizer’ who , despite what you hear, is at best a mediocre speaker was ‘gifted’ to the highest office of this land.

    The Republicans have been missing in action for almost eight years. And now they stand by as Scott Walker is running the gauntlet.. As much as Donald Trump is a joke as a serious contender, he had the intestinal fortitude to shore up Scott Walker’s position vis a vis his London press conference.

    I have spent much time, energy and some good amount of money on Republican candidates. NO MORE……

  2. DLH says:

    I believe the sentiments expressed by Bonnie are becoming increasingly widespread among Republican voters, especially conservative. I think we all realize that a 3rd party has virtually no chance of success and staying home on election day simply abdicates government to Democratic party rule. The GOP needs to take heed. They made promises; Mitch claimed all that was necessary to block Obama’s illegal, unconstitutional actions was to make him Senate majority leader. We did…and he is failing and betraying the conservative bloc which put him in office. What does a rational person do?

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