Woo Hoo for Oregon!


Screen shot 2015-02-14 at 1.38.03 PM-BiHallelulia! I thought we’d never see this great day! How America has survived more than 200 years without an “openly bisexual” governor is a question historians and social scientists have pondered for decades.

Seriously “folks”, what does this even mean ?

This ‘persen’ (required gender neutral spelling regulations undoubtedly soon to be issued by Obama executive order) is married. Regarding the other spouse is “he” (a presumption) also “openly bisexual”?  We hear now that any gendered salutation is in disrepute so we understand we are on thin ice by not being more politically correct. *

Reading from the WaPo article whose editors must not have received the gender identification memo.

“…she has publicly discussed her bisexuality in past campaigns…”

“Campaigns” for what? What did she “discuss” about her “bisexuality”? Her preferences for various “positions” depending on which “team” she’s playing on at the time?

Kate Brown's campaign poster

Kate Brown’s campaign poster

With her official “sexual status ” established will it be a denial of her “civil” and “human” rights if an objection is raised should she happen to decide to “openly” take a female spouse in addition to her present “husband”(?)? And why not!

Which will be the first network “news” outlet to snag THE interview with “Ms.” (can we say that?) Baker? My money’s on MSNBC and Rachel Madow.

Will the NFL now scramble to draft the “first openly bisexual tight end” in league history?

Will Obama invite the new governor to the White House for a “selfie”?

And what about the future in light of this groundbreaking development?:

The year is 2020: Washington Post, “Last ‘Openly Straight’ Congresspersen to Retire”

“Massachusetts Governor Steps Down Amid Charges That
She Is Involved In A Monogamous Relationship”

“Aides claim each thought the other feminine aides were
governor’s “bi-partner”

* Anything that smacks of gender identification, even historically, should be rooted out .   As a start go ahead and name your boy Sue, or your girl Jake, the more it happens the less the presumptions about gender. But should parents even be given the latitude to inflict a sex trait on a child of the village?  It seems the best way to get past the demeaning cultural stereotype of gender related naming, the village should issue and refer to people as numbers.

DLH with R Mall

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2 Responses to Woo Hoo for Oregon!

  1. Carlos Danger says:

    This sort of accomplishment is a net lose for the lame stream media, that is why this story isn’t getting much play. The Governor in question is a Democrat, so that automatically makes them recoil and look the other way. If they were to give too much play to the first “Bi” Governor story (and you know they would love to) they would be forced to report about how she got there and what happened to her predecessor.

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