This is what it has come to

Bill Kristol on Bill Bennett show this AM:

“It really is unprecedented that Obama would claim that he can complete an agreement with Iran and Congress would have no role! If he does this and Congress can’t overcome a veto, then Republicans must make it clear that they believe that agreement is just between Iran and Obama and the next president will not have to give it deference”


Of all the crap I’ve heard in the past few days, I think this takes the cake. This nation has now been reduced to this. A rogue president acting unconstitutionally across the full range of domestic and foreign policy matters, including the most important matter of national security and global threat, and the best our great Republican thinkers can come up with is a “prudently worded admonition” that his actions do not have our wholehearted approval. (For those with no imagination, consider what the world will look like  after almost two years of this “Obama agreement” in force. One can start with imagining the smoldering ruins of TelAviv and the sacking of many of the Middle East capitols.)

Meanwhile concerned and informed voters must sit and watch, aghast at what has happened to what was once the greatest nation in history and the one time hope of the world.     DLH

As anticipated after Speaker Boehner’s announce capitulation, the House voted yesterday to fully fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with no amendment to restrict department resources from being used to implement Obama’s unconstitutional executive order amnesty, now temporarily enjoined by a federal district court ruling in Texas.

The Blaze this morning provides a list of the 75 GOP congressmen who voted to fund DHS without restriction: As reported by The Blaze:

The vote came after dozens of House Republicans fought to the bitter end to reject the “clean” DHS bill, in an effort to oppose what they see as an unconstitutional action from Obama. The House passed the bill 257-167, and sending it to the White House for Obama’s signature into law. . . .

In the end, 167 Republicans voted against the Senate’s version of the bill. But because the bill was supported by every Democrat, only 30 or so Republicans had to support it to ensure it’s passage, and 75 GOP members voted for it.

Iowas Republican Congressman Steve King, Rod Blum and Dave Young are not on the list.  Young’s demurral was a pleasant surprise. Speaker Boehner did not merely agree to hold the vote for the “clean bill” he voted for it.         R Mall

Veritas announces “Grow a Pair” project for the enabling  75

Seeing as to how a lack of political fortitude is evident in the 75 Republican amnesty enablers, but not wanting to get into the existence of actual physiological appendages, or providing them, we nevertheless propose a point be made to all.  Thus the symbolic   “Grow-A- Pair” project.

Artificial representations of seedling fortitude could be sent to them to be worn around their neck or kept in their pocket or purse to remind them that they are in Congress not to be rubber stamps for the Chamber of Commerce or Speaker Boehner but to honor their pledge to uphold the Constitution. Such a pledge does not require as big a set as they may think which is why some may have been intimidated and followed Boehner. Nor should those of a certain sex linked persuasion need think they have to give up their ovaries to do the right thing.

grow pair

Locate one of the ubiquitous cheap plastic celebration necklaces, clip a pair off and send them to one or all of the 75, perhaps expressing your condolences for their loss.

Congressman Aaron Schock of Peoria, one of the 75,  given his intense appreciation for decorating of late, may appreciate the entire necklace.

R Mall

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3 Responses to This is what it has come to

  1. phil silverman says:

    “rogue President”? really…give us 2-3 rogue ACTIONS and then for perspective compare them to what Reagan & W. perpetrated.

  2. Gus says:

    “Fifty”. You forgot to add “bircherzzzzzz”.

  3. phil silverman says:

    ok, ok, how should I spell the word to describe youse guyzz?

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